Open for Community project logo - small Our building is very well used, but access is challenging, and it is generally in a state of disrepair. The purpose of our redevelopment is to make the building more accessible and user-friendly for the community around us.

It is some time since the proposed plans of the redevelopment were granted planning permission by the local authority, to be valid until September 2024.  Some computer-generated images can be seen below.

Work began: the pews have mostly been removed, which has given a glimpse of the flexibility the completed project will provide.  The old central heating boiler has been replaced, using funds from the Norwood & Newton grant.

Pie chart showing fundraising progressTwo groups of members have been at work for 3 years and in June our provisional funding target was reached.  Six companies submitted tenders for the work this summer, but the hope of starting work this autumn has been shattered by the increased costs of construction.  We are now exploring ways to reduce the cost of the project, whilst still meeting our main objectives, and urgently seeking more funds.

We have a JustGiving page. Anyone can donate to our project, and GiftAid will automatically be added; or you can "Fundraise for us" - for example, set up a page for people to sponsor you, or make donations in lieu of giving you a birthday present.

Fundraising and campaign events:

  • We've created an Anniversary Recipe Book that we are selling for project funds.
  • Following the Big Sale, we have some pine pews remaining (3.4 metres long) - these can be modified to your requirements. Or would anyone like to buy a pulpit in good condition? 

One important aspect of the work which everyone can join to help, is prayer.  There will be a range of ways to participate, and the first is a prayer card.  The card can be downloaded here in a form suitable for printing (4 double-sided cards), or here for passing on by email; or you can use the onscreen version below to pray right now!

Other aids to supporting the project in prayer have been suggested, including a WhatsApp group.  If you use WhatsApp on your smartphone, and would like to be part of a trial group, send a text to Andrew (07563 234967) who will add you to the group.  We're not sure how this will turn out yet, but it's promising so far.  If you have a smartphone but don't currently use WhatsApp, you can find out more here.

Building Project prayer support

Please bring these aspects of the project to God in prayer:

  • Sunday: Pray for our congregation here at Grange Methodist Church, that we may follow God’s guidance in our life together
  • Monday: Pray for the Project Management group, that all work together as a team within the overall vision
  • Tuesday: Pray for the building team, involved with practical issues, timescales and the planning application
  • Wednesday: Pray for the local fundraising team, for those who have Jars of Thanks and for events as they are organised
  • Thursday: Pray for the grants applications team, for wisdom and clarity, and for those who receive the applications
  • Friday: Pray for all who currently use our building, for potential users and for the needs, fears and hopes of the whole Grange community
  • Saturday: Give thanks for all progress made in whatever area of the project and for all the people involved in any way

“Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain.”

Psalm 127 verse 1

Screen grab of download menu with highlight If the design document doesn't appear in a few seconds, click Refresh in your browser, or press the F5 key.  The document contains plans and computer-generated pictures.
On many devices, you can see it best by clicking the chevron icon at the top right corner (ringed in the snapshot at right) & selecting Presentation Mode from the menu. REMEMBER:  Press Esc to get back to normal mode!