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Circuit news

  • Cumbria Circuit - The Methodist Conference, meeting in Leeds, approved the proposal to merge the existing eight circuits in Cumbria to form one new circuit, as from 1 September 2025.  More information, including the report presented at Conference, is here. A video recording of the Conference session is here; the part about circuit mergers starts at 1:43:55.
    A report on voting in the Circuits, Church Councils and the Synod is here.
  • Prayer Handbook & Methodist Diaries - The circuit will be placing an order for the 2025 prayer handbook and for Methodist Diaries.  Each church will receive one copy for the pulpit (back to A5 this year!) Further copies of the prayer handbook are £4.50.  Methodist Diaries are available in blue or green or as an organiser insert and are £11 each.  Please contact Juliana with your order, and Dare to make payment. We need to know by August 1st.

  • Advance notice to a Plan Change - Sun, 4 August: Windermere Methodist will be a joint service at St Mary’s Windermere, at 11am, preacher Grace Cauldwell.
  • Ruach Newsletter - the latest Ruach (Pioneer work) newsletter is here -  please can you make a copy available in your church building

  • New Places for new people  – If you are curious about new places for new people and would like more information, please have a look at this really useful and practical guide
  • Ukrainian family in need of sponsorsClick here for details.
  • Volunteer Director at Ambleside needed - Ambleside Methodist Church are seeking a volunteer director to work alongside our ministers and other volunteer directors as part of the Ambleside Parish Centre (a charity and limited company.) We are looking for someone with strong governance skills who would commit to a one or two year appointment as we enter the next phase of this exciting community partnership, building a resource for the Ambleside area, and wider, in this well used Methodist and Anglican owned building. For an informal conversation and person spec contact Grace, 07341960506 or email. (Note: the directors meet 4 times per year and other involvement could be remote.)

  • Ministry Intern  – Friends, do you remember me mentioning the possibility of an intern to work alongside me in the New Ways of Working Project? Well the great news is that between ourselves and our friends at St Mary’s Ambleside we have two interns coming. Anneli is part of the Norwegian Mission Scheme, she’s 19 and has just completed an apprenticeship in Content Creation. She will be working alongside me in Windermere and Ambleside as we continue with looking at how we can plant new microchurches which serve local folk as they grow in discipleship.
    You might also remember me asking if you can pledge to offset the cost to the circuit of hosting an intern. The cost for the year is £1700 plus expenses. (Rydal Hall are kindly accommodating and feeding the interns in exchange for them working with the new chaplain building a praying community there) if you feel God is calling you to make a contribution to this work please email Dare with your pledge, and he will arrange to take payment. Revd Grace
  • Cumbria Chapel Crawl by National Methodist Youth Brass Band, Tuesday 13 August - The band has a lot of churches to fit in around the county which does mean an early start! The proposed timings for the band’s Chapel Crawl are as follows:

    7:15am - departing Carver (where the band will be staying)
    7:20am - Windermere
    7:50am - Ambleside
    8:25am - Hawkshead
    8:55am - Coniston
    9:30am - St Luke's, Lowick
    10:10am - Cartmel (hopefully catch the coffee morning)
    3:35pm - Grange-over-Sands
    4:15pm - Ulverston

  • They'll be visiting the Kendal and Sedbergh circuits between Cartmel and Grange which is why there's a big gap in the schedule! Due to the unpredictable nature of Cumbrian traffic they may end up running a bit late, especially in the afternoon, but will hopefully arrive as close to those times as possible.

  • Band Concert in Ulverston - Sat. 17 August at 7:30pm: poster here
  • Circuit Service - Sun. 18 August at 11am at Ulverston: poster here

  • Reflective Communion - Gather with others for a quiet and peace filled service, hearing words of comfort and love, praying for ourselves and others. All are welcome, whether you have a faith or are simply curious. No Need to Book. Ambleside Parish Centre, Thursdays 1:45-2:30pm (starting 12th September)

  • Loose ends project  – This is a fabulous international project that matches crafters with bereaved families who have unfinished crafts from their loved ones, allowing that object to be completed, and a memory to be cherished. You can sign up to be a finisher, but they also need to get the word out to those who may have need of the service, if you know anywhere where a flyer could be placed they are available for download here.
  • Read Easy  – is a national charity providing free, one-to-one coaching for adults who struggle to read. We are Read Easy Morecambe Bay, an affiliated group who are now open for business with trained volunteer Coaches in Ulverston, Dalton and Barrow waiting to be introduced to prospective Readers. Click here for more information
  • Thornleigh Hotel, Grange over Sands – why not look at their list of upcoming events here?
  • Warm regards,

    Juliana Caukwell

    Circuit Administrator

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    Cumbria District news

    • North West England District
      Videos are now available introducing James as the nominated Chair of the District, and Revd. Phil Gough as District Secretary - Ministries and Vocation.  Heather Fergusson has been appointed District Secretary for Administration and Compliance. Details of other posts  in the new District are here.
      Mission Area Leads – there are now videos available which introduce the MALs so far appointed:  Revd. David Newlove for Cumbria, Revd Alan Bradley and Revd Katie Smith for Greater Manchester Plus, and Revd Sharon Read for Lancashire.  (All these posts are subject to approval by Conference later in June.)
      The new District structure is explained here.
      Save the Dates:
    • The Equip Series – a monthly online event where information will be shared to equip everyone for the launch of the new District in September.  The next session is on Tuesday 16th July and Wednesday 14th August. Full details and joining links are here.
    • Celebration event to bid farewell to the Cumbria District -  14th July 2024 at Penrith Methodist Church; probably afternoon & evening, to be confirmed.
    • Launch Service – this will be on Saturday 31st August 2024 at Victoria Hall, Bolton. More details here.
    • The first NWE District Synod will be held on Saturday 14th September 2024. This will be a hybrid (online & in-person) event and further details will be published as and when confirmed. 
    • The District has a Facebook page  and the first few posts have already been posted. Please take a look, like it, follow it, and include it in your own church and circuit pages.
    • Methodist Young Adults Fellowship – "Comprising of a WhatsApp group and monthly Zoom gatherings, MYAF hopes to be a safe and inclusive space for 18-30 year olds to meet, chat, pray and get to know one another in a church which can sometimes feel very grey.” To find out more, email Naomi Prince from the Yorkshire North East District.
    • Equipping for Equality – this is a development day for those passionate about Justice, Dignity and Solidarity to help equip people in implementing aspects of the JDS strategy. The event takes place on Saturday 8th July in London and more locally on Saturday 20th July in Lancaster from 10.30 am-4 pm. Both events can also be attended on line and further details including to book are here.
    • MWiB Together at Thornleigh – this gathering entitled ‘Holy Sauntering’ is taking place 11-13 November 2024 with Deacon Karen McBride. A leaflet with all the details is here; booking and deposit required by 23 August.
    • 3Generate – arrangements for this year’s event taking place from 4-6th October are well underway and we have been asked to share the following information:

    ·  Sneak peak of the programme! As the 3Generate 2024 programme comes together, there are some exciting new venues and activities for children and young people to enjoy. You can catch up with Tom Hart, Youth President,here.

    ·  Mini 3Generate for 4-7 year olds Did you know that Mini 3Generate for 4 to 7 year olds now have a bigger and better venue at the event? Children in school years reception to year 2 are invited to join in on Saturday 5th October. There’s plenty to explore including a climbing wall, silent disco, storytelling and crafting with Forest Church. Find out more here.

    ·  Volunteering We’ve been celebrating everyone who is part of the team at 3Generate during Volunteers Week recently. There are some crucial roles that still need filling. Come and be a village host in the camping area, guide others around the event as a steward or support children and young people with additional needs. You can make a real difference by joining the team. Find out more about the range of roles on offer here.

    • Argentina Partnership Link Group – the group have produced a prayer leaflet (set up to print two copies) and they are anticipating that there will be an updated version after 1st September.
    • New faith podcast – the Revd Richard Corrie, a former BBC Radio Cumbria presenter, plans to put out a half-hourly podcast each month which features faith stories from across the county, as well as offering a chance to Pause for Thought and reflection, church events on the church noticeboard and hearing how God is calling people to all kinds of jobs and ministries. The first podcast features the Ven. Stewart Fyfe, who was caught up in the unrest in the Holy Land last October, the Rest Under the Stars installation and curate Hannah Wallace. Listen here.