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Fairtrade Church logoEco Church bronze award logo

Sunday worship is held at Grange weekly at 10:30am.
All welcome, whether you are a visitor, or live locally.
Refreshments are served in the church after the service.

Services are streamed online for those who prefer to join in from home.  Congregation members will not appear on camera.Inclusive Church logoSight Loss Friendly Church logo

After the service is over, a recording will be available, initially via the same link and later on our YouTube channel here.

Toast Church meets on Sundays at 9:00am during termtime in the Grange Methodist Church hall; it's now the summer holidays, and our next session will be 8 September. Email for up-to-date information.
We are a friendly and relaxed group aimed at children of any age and their families. As the name suggests, we eat toast. We also sing, share stories, enjoy art, crafts and other fun activities and explore current issues in a family friendly way. All welcome, nothing to pay.

Grange Methodist ChurchWe welcome visitors and local people to our Weekly Community Coffee Morning on Wednesday 10:30 - 12 noon, where we serve Fairtrade tea and filter coffee; there is a books & cards stall, and usually a produce stall on the first Wednesday each month.

Our vision statement

We believe we are called to be a church where people of all ages and backgrounds are supported in:

  • loving and serving God
  • loving and serving our neighbours, both local and global
  • growing and sharing faith.

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Our news


Saturday 3 August, 11am - 3pm.  Organised by PEAT who share with us in running the Repair Cafe (see below...)  Click here for more information

Cuppa and Chat

Tuesday 13 August, from 3:15pm onwards

We will have a visit from the National Methodist Youth Brass Band who will play (briefly) as part of  their Chapel Crawl across Cumbria!  More details & poster here

Prayer Diary now available

A diary of prayer pointers to help us pray for the Church and its work is now available in the form of a card bookmark.  If you prefer, it can be downloaded here in this format, or viewed here onscreen - this version can also be downloaded as an A4 sheet.

Churches Together Youth Trust news

Click here for the latest newsletter

Poster for Grange repair cafeThanks to all who have been coming to the Repair Café, as helpers or customers. This event continues to thrive; the next will be held on Friday, 6 September from 6 - 8 p.m. at the Church.

  • CAN YOU FIX THINGS? - If you have repair skills please fill in this form, or get in touch.
  • NEED SOMETHING FIXING? - If you have things that need repairing, fill in this form or just bring it along hopefully!
  • WANT TO HELP? - Fill in this form, or get in touch if you can volunteer on the night to help things run super smoothly

THANKS in advance!

"Mustard Seed" is our monthly newsletter, produced in a format suitable for onscreen viewing, or printing. You can view and download the latest edition here. If you, or someone you know, would like a printed copy each month, inform Hazel Edmondson.

Our weekly news update can be found here.  Wider news can be found here.

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Minister:  Rev’d Jo Rand, 015395 33164 or email
Church Council secretary: Hazel Edmondson 015395 36213 or email
Church Safeguarding Officer:  Ruth Webster, 07751 188121    Safeguarding Policy
Privacy statement


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  • Click a tab to display as a weekly diary or monthly calendar
  • Click the logo at the bottom to add this calendar to your own Google Calendar

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