You can join in with the live services at 10.30 on Sunday, and comment online if you wish.  Forthcoming services can be found here.
Or watch them later, on our YouTube channel here.

Services before 16 May 2021 can be found on the Toast Church YouTube channel here.

The Church calendar can be found here.

Weekly update email

The emails are all arranged here on one web page, like a blog - the newest at the top, with links to move around. 


Our monthly newsletter, entitled "Mustard Seed", can be found here.

Reports for the General Church Meeting, 17 November, with agenda on the back, are here.

Redevelopment project

There is now a page dedicated to the Building Redevelopment project. This page links to the explanation about the WhatsApp prayer group which hopefully will prove useful.

We are registered Charity no. 1198002