We have a monthly Newsletter (Mustard Seed - see here) so this page chiefly contains breaking news since the latest issue of Mustard Seed.
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Grange Methodist Church
28 January 2025
Please find here the February edition of the Mustard Seed – lots to read and take in!
Also available are electronic versions of the Gift Aid form and the Cross Bay walk booking form, referred to in it. If you would like a hard copy of either or both of these forms, please let Hazel know.
Message from Hazel: “If you have yet to reply to the email about whether the details we hold for you are correct, and whether you are still happy for us to hold them, I would be grateful for responses before I need to start chasing! I am still working down the list of those who are not on email.”
Message from Claire and Jean: “Dear Friends, Please join Cartmel Quakers this Friday 31 January at 10:30, for a half-hour silent Time for Peace followed by refreshments and time to talk. This is instead of last week’s meeting, which was cancelled because of the storm.”
Message from Sue Nicol: Fund-raising Meeting in the church hall on Thursday 6th February at 2pm.
The members of this meeting have already received a reminder, but you are welcome to join us – we could do with more help! If you have any ideas for fundraising for our Development Fund, please bring them along, or if you cannot attend, speak to Glenda or Sue N. and we will pass them on. Thank you.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on term-time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30am on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The ecumenical Men’s Breakfast will be at 8:30am on Saturday, February 1st in the church hall. All men are invited to share a simple breakfast, conversation and prayer.
Sunday services: Grange: The service on Sunday, February 2nd will start at 10:00am and will be in the church hall. This is a Church to Toast Church service led by Rev Jo Rand (John chapter 6) and will include Holy Communion. At 6:00pm that evening there is Taizé-style worship in the church, led by local musicians.
The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, February 9th will also be led by Rev Jo Rand (John chapter 7).
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, February 2nd will be a local arrangement service with John Hutchinson. The service on Sunday, February 9th will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell. This will no longer be a communion service, as the following week will be the new date for the Covenant Service that had to be cancelled in January, a service led by Rev David Edmondson and which includes Holy Communion.
The evening in-person Bible Study will meet at 7:30pm on Tuesday, February 4th at the home of David and Hazel Edmondson (16, Charney Court).
The next produce stall will be at the Coffee morning on Wednesday, February 5th. As ever, we welcome home baking and willing customers. There’s usually a wonderful range of goodies for sale.
The Repair Café will be open from 5-7pm on Friday, February 7th. Offers of cake to Hazel please.
Next fund-raising event for the redevelopment project: a Ceilidh in the church hall from 6:30 to 9:00pm on Friday, February 28th, with music provided by the Sands Band. Light refreshments will be provided. No tickets and no set charge – all donations welcome. All dances will be called; no experience or partner needed (we’ll work things out on the night) – just a willingness to have fun, join in or enjoy watching and listening to the toe-tapping music. Make a note of the date now!
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: January 30th Judith Bartlett, February 6th David and Hazel Edmondson
Please send items for this update to me
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
21 January 2025
Message from Grace Cauldwell: “Friends a reminder that the second Campfire Conversation to allow space to dream and reflect on the new circuit takes place this Thursday at 4pm at Ulverston, no need to book. Set within worship we will explore through conversation, where God is calling us as the people called Methodist in Cumbria. The first session in the circuit was at Grange on Friday evening and went well.”
Thanks to all who came to the Grange “Campfire Conversation”, or who filled in a postcard. The completed postcards were handed on to Rev Helen Hooley, who led the Grange session.
Message from Glenda Clark: “SATURDAY SOUPER RETRO GAMES AFTERNOON: Thank you to everyone who supported the above event. Including the waitresses and kitchen maids there were 29 people. We began with home-made soup and rolls, it was not an easy task to decide which of the 6 delicious varieties to choose, but luckily there was plenty, so second helpings were available! The next decision for each table was to find a game from the large selection of about 25 to choose from. To name a small number Cluedo, Snakes & Ladders, Scrabble, Dominoes, Monopoly, Shove Ha’penny. Chinese Chequers, The London Game created a lot of laughter, Card games and Sorry! There was much chatter and laughter and the ‘little grey cells‘ were tested too! A large number of people said they had enjoyed the opportunity to meet and eat, to chat together as well as the fun and challenge of the games. An afternoon that raised only £145 for the Development Fund, but more than that was a valued social get together!”
Message from Su Lockley: “You are warmly invited to help plan our 16 February Local Arrangement service on John chapter 8. The planning meeting is on Friday 24 January, 3.30-5.00 p.m. at 20 Highfield Road. Please come if you can. It really helps to share ideas! Email for info
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on term-time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30am on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, January 26th will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell (John 4:43 - 5:47). The service on Sunday, February 2nd will start at 10:00am and will be in the church hall. This is a Church to Toast Church service led by Rev Jo Rand (John chapter 6) and will include Holy Communion. At 6:00pm that evening there is Taizé-style worship in the church, led by local musicians.
The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday,January 26 will be led by Mrs Dorothy Reilly. The service on February 2nd will be by local arrangement.
Grange Church Council meets in church at 7:30pm on Tuesday, January 28th.
Next fund-raising event for the redevelopment project: a Ceilidh in the church hall from 6:30 to 9:00pm on Friday, February 28th, with music provided by the Sands Band. Light refreshments will be provided. No tickets and no set charge – all donations welcome. All dances will be called; no experience or partner needed (we’ll work things out on the night) – just a willingness to have fun, join in or enjoy watching and listening to the toe-tapping music. Make a note of the date now!
From Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU). All are invited to all or any of the remaining gatherings as below for 15-30 minutes of prayer. Please stay afterwards for refreshments and fellowship. The theme of at least some of the reflections will celebrate the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, after which the Nicene Creed became a powerful tool for Christian Unity. Many thanks to all the churches who volunteered to host this year.
- Wednesday January 22nd: 10:00 at St Paul’s Church, Grange
- Thursday January 23rd: 10:30 at Grange United Reformed Church
- Friday January 24th: 10:30 at Grange Methodist Church
Also on Friday, January 24th, at 10:30am Cartmel Quakers invite you to join them in Prayers for Peace at the Meeting House on Hagg’s Lane, followed by refreshments. (We’re working on better co-ordination with them for the WPCU next year!)
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: January 23rd Rev Kate Hunt (= WPCU gathering); January 30th Judith Bartlett.
The deadline for the February Mustard Seed is this Sunday, January 26th. Please send items for it, or for this update to me
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
14 January 2025
Thank you to everyone who has responded to the email checking the details we hold for those with an email address, and for some lovely comments about how much these updates are appreciated. If you have yet to respond, it’s not too late! I (Hazel) will be checking details personally with those who are not on email. In all cases, we have to ask you for your consent to continue to hold your data.
Reminder: All are invited to the thanksgiving service for Anne Clark’s life, led by Rev David Edmondson, which will be at Grange Methodist Church at 1:30pm on Wednesday, January 15th following a woodland burial. All are also invited to share refreshments in the church hall following the service.
Message from Su Lockley: “SAVE THE DATE! Our Cross Bay walk is booked for Saturday 21 June 2025. Put the date in your diary now! More information will follow nearer the time about how to sign up. Thank you everyone who responded to my previous question about good and bad dates - very helpful.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on term-time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30am on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The January midweek communion service at Grange Methodist church will be at 10:00am on Wednesday, January 15th, led by Rev Sue Nicol.
Home Energy pop-up advice session: 10am to 12noon on Wednesday, January 15th. This has been organised by the environmental group PEAT. This will be in our church hall, alongside the usual coffee morning. For more details, see the PEAT article on page 24 of the January “Grange Now”.
As publicised last Sunday, we are hosting a “Campfire Conversations” session in our church hall at 7:30pm on Friday, January 17th. These are opportunities to share our joys about Methodism and our yearnings for the new Cumbria Circuit (as on the postcards given out in recent services) with some of the Circuit Implementation Group. All welcome to help shape the future of our church, here and across Cumbria.
The Souper Games Afternoon is on Saturday, 18th January. Home-made soup for lunch at 1pm followed by a fun afternoon playing ‘retro games’ and finishing at 4pm. Tickets £5 are now available from church or at the coffee morning, or let Glenda, Sue Nicol or Pam Brook know, or simply come on the day.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, January 19th will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley (John chapter 4 verses 1-42). There will be a “Songs of Praise” gathering at 4:00pm, followed by a buffet tea. The service on January 26th will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell (John 4:43 - 5:47). Advanced notice: the service on Sunday, February 2nd will start at 10:00am and will be in the church hall.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 19th will be led by Rev David Jackson. The service on January 26th will be led by Mrs Dorothy Reilly.
Home Energy pop-up advice session: 10am to 12noon on Wednesday, January 15th. This has been organised by the environmental group PEAT. This will be in our church hall, alongside the usual coffee morning. For more details, see the PEAT article on page 24 of the January “Grange Now”.
From Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (WPCU). All are invited to all or any of the gatherings below for 15-30 minutes of prayer. Please stay afterwards for refreshments and fellowship. The theme of at least some of the reflections will celebrate the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, after which the Nicene Creed became a powerful tool for Christian Unity. We will have prayers at different churches on the weekdays. Many thanks to the churches who volunteered to host this year:
Monday January 20th: 10:30 at St Charles Church, Grange (please note change of time)
Tuesday January 21st: 10:00 at St John’s Church, Flookburgh
Wednesday January 22nd: 10:00 at St Paul’s Church, Grange
Thursday January 23rd: 10:30 at Grange United Reformed Church
Friday January 24th: 10:30 at Grange Methodist Church
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: January 16th Rev Lis Mullen; January 23rd Rev Kate Hunt (= WPCU gathering).
Please send items for this update to me
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
7 January 2025
We are sorry to hear of the death of Anne Clark. She was a valued member of the congregation over many years, very involved with the Network meeting and the Open Fellowship. We remember John and her family in our prayers. All are invited to the thanksgiving service for her life, led by Rev David Edmondson, which will be at Grange Methodist Church at 1:30pm on Wednesday, January 15th following a woodland burial. All are also invited to share refreshments in the church hall following the service.
Please see and download here the newly issued Grange Prayer Diary for 2025. Hard copies in bookmark format are available at church. Still available from church: the card giving the reading plan for John’s Gospel for Spring 2025.
Also given out on Sunday: Postcards from the enlarged Cumbria Methodist Circuit, which comes into being in September and replaces the South Lakes Circuit. Your views are sought in answer to two questions: “What is it about Methodism that brings you joy?” and “What is the yearning of your heart for the Cumbria circuit?”. You can find a postcard to fill in and leave at church, or email or hand written contributions are also welcome – please get them to Hazel over the next couple of weeks (contact details below).
Reminder from Liz Jackson: “Come along for a catch up with friends at our coffee morning on January 8th which includes our produce stall. Hopefully our usual contributors will have recovered from their family celebrations and have time to produce something tasty to tempt our taste buds. Any contributions you can make, bake or collect from your garden are always welcome. Looking forward to seeing you all then.”
Reminder from Jo: “Once again we're having a church family party for all ages in the church hall, from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, 11th January. Please bring something to contribute to a bring and share meal; we’ll be getting some chips in (as we did last year). There will be some games planned by our Toast Church leaders - thank you! Do come along - it's always an enjoyable event. Let Hazel (contact details below) know if it would be helpful for you to have transport.”
Reminder from Sue Nicol: “Next fundraising event: Souper Games Afternoon Saturday 18th January 2025! Home-made soup for lunch at 1pm followed by a fun afternoon playing ‘retro games’ and finishing at 4pm. Tickets £5 are now available from church. We will need to collect some games together, so please let Glenda or me know if you are willing to lend any for the day. Thank you!”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on term-time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30am on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The first Lunch and Pray of 2025 will be on Wednesday, January 8th. Stay after the coffee morning or come specially for this. We share a bread and cheese lunch together from 12:00 and then a relaxed time of prayer from 1:00 to 1:30. It will be led by Rev Jo Rand.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, January 12th will be led by Mr Paul Rand. (John chapter 3). The service on January 19th will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley (John chapter 4).
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 12th will be led by Rev Jo Rand. The service on January 19th will be led by Rev David Jackson.
The January midweek communion service at Grange Methodist church will be at 10:00am on Wednesday, January 15th, led by Rev Sue Nicol.
Home Energy pop-up advice session: 10am to 12noon on Wednesday, January 15th. This has been organised by the environmental group PEAT. Expert advisers from Cumbria Action for Sustainability will be on hand to help with guidance on energy savings and the chance to book a free Thermal Imaging survey of your home. This will be in our church hall, alongside the usual coffee morning. For more details, see the PEAT article on page 24 of the January “Grange Now”.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: January 9th Rev Martyn Coe; January 16th Rev Lis Mullen
Please send items for this update to me
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
31 December 2024
From Christmas 2024 till after Easter 2025 in the South Lakes circuit, we are looking at the whole of John’s Gospel in Sunday services. Do pick up a card from church which details the whole plan, and consider reading the relevant passage in preparation for the service each week. January 6th brings chapter 2 – The wedding at Cana, and January 13th chapter 3 – Jesus and Nicodemus.
Message from Liz Jackson: “Come along for a catch up with friends at our coffee morning on January 8th which includes our produce stall. Hopefully our usual contributors will have recovered from their family celebrations and have time to produce something tasty to tempt our taste buds. Any contributions you can make, bake or collect from your garden are always welcome. Looking forward to seeing you all then.”
Message from Su Lockley: “CROSS BAY WALK 2025: I'm hoping to organise a Cross Bay walk Arnside to Grange next Summer to raise money for the development fund. I'd really appreciate some help with choosing a date! Possibles are Saturdays 7,21 June; 19 July or 2,16,30 August. If you think any of these would be particularly good or bad please email me by 31 December 2024. This isn't a commitment to go on the walk, just a steer to stop me choosing a silly date.”
Reminder from Jo: “Once again we're having a church family party for all ages in the church hall from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, 11th January. Please bring something to contribute to a bring and share meal; we’ll be getting some chips in (as we did last year). There will be some games planned by our Toast Church leaders - thank you! Do come along - it's always an enjoyable event. Let Hazel (contact details below) know if it would be helpful for you to have transport.”
Reminder from Sue Nicol: “Next fundraising event: Souper Games Afternoon Saturday 18th January 2025! Home-made soup for lunch at 1pm followed by a fun afternoon playing ‘retro games’ and finishing at 4pm. Tickets £5 which will be on sale in due course, but put the date in your diaries! We will need to collect some games together, so please let Glenda or me know if you are willing to lend any for the day. Thank you!”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church is now having its Christmas break; we start again at 9:00am on January 5th. There won’t be a Baby group on New Year’s Eve; open again from 9:30am on Tuesday, January 7th. There will be a coffee morning on New Year’s Day, from 10:30 to noon as usual.
On New Year’s Eve there will be Watchnight service at Grange Methodist at 11:30pm, led by David and Hazel Edmondson. All welcome who wish to see in the New Year in worship and prayer.
On Friday, January 3rd the Repair Café will be open at the earlier time of 5-7pm. Do bring items that need mending or have stopped working over Christmas! Offers of cake to Hazel, please.
The first ecumenical Men’s Breakfast of 2025 will be at 8:30am on Saturday, January 4th in the church hall. All men are invited to share a simple breakfast, conversation and prayer.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, January 5th will be led by Rev Jo Rand. This will be the annual Covenant service, which includes Holy Communion. There will be an evening reflective service at 6:00pm, led by David and Hazel Edmondson. The service on January 12th will be led by Mr Paul Rand.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, January 5th will be led by Rev David Edmondson. This will be the annual Covenant service, which includes Holy Communion. The service on January 12th will be led by Rev Jo Rand.
The first Lunch and Pray of 2025 will be on Wednesday, January 8th. Stay after the coffee morning or come specially for this. We share a bread and cheese lunch together from 12:00 and then a relaxed time of prayer from 1:00 to 1:30. It will be led by Rev Jo Rand.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: January 2nd David and Hazel Edmondson; January 9th Rev Martyn Coe.
Please send items for this update to me
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
17 & 24 December 2024
Do remember to have a look at the Christmas Cards on the display board, in the hall on Wednesdays and in church for services. It’s not too late to add your own greetings to the church family. Donations welcome for the work of Action for Children, in cash or via the Card reader.
Message from Su Lockley: “CROSS BAY WALK 2025: I'm hoping to organise a Cross Bay walk Arnside to Grange next Summer to raise money for the development fund. I'd really appreciate some help with choosing a date! Possibles are Saturdays 7,21 June; 19 July or 2,16,30 August. If you think any of these would be particularly good or bad please email me by 31 December 2024. This isn't a commitment to go on the walk, just a steer to stop me choosing a silly date.”
Reminder from the Leadership Team: By invitation, we are going to sing carols again at Graythwaite Court, on Wednesday, December 18th at 7:30pm. Please let Glenda or Hazel know if you can join us that evening – they like to know numbers, as they put on refreshments to follow. Please meet at Graythwaite Court.
Reminder from David Edmondson: “Worship at the residential homes in December is a week earlier than usual in each case, so we can share carols together. Sunday December 22nd at the Old Vicarage, Christmas Eve at Cartmel Grange. We meet at the homes at 2:15 for 2:30; extra voices welcome.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church is now having its Christmas and New Year break; we start again at 9:00am on January 5th. There won’t be a Baby group on Christmas Eve or New Year’s Eve. No coffee morning on Christmas Day, but there will be one on New Year’s Day, from 10:30 to noon as usual. Please note that the produce stall for January will be on January 8th.
The December joint Holy Communion service with our friends from St Paul’s is at our church, led by Rev Sue Nicol, at 10:00am on Wednesday, December 18th.
Sunday services: Grange: The service on Sunday, December 22nd will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson. Then the Carol service is that evening at 6:00pm, led by Rev Jo Rand and with a singing group from the congregation; all welcome to rehearse from 4:15 that day. The Carol service will be followed by hot drinks and mince pies or shortbread. There is no service at Grange Methodist church on December 29th, as we will join with our friends at the United Reformed Church for a service there at 10:30 led by Rev Kate Hunt, which will include Holy Communion. This will be followed by a Jacob’s Join lunch – do take a contribution if you are able to stay. The service at Grange Methodist at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, January 6th will be led by Rev Jo Rand. This will be the annual Covenant service, which includes Holy Communion. There will be an evening reflective service at 6:00pm, led by David and Hazel Edmondson.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, December 22nd will be led by Mr Dare Holland. The service on December 29th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson. The service on January 6th will be led by Rev David Edmondson. This will be the annual Covenant service, which includes Holy Communion.
Our Christmas Eve Holy Communion service will be at 8:00pm and will be led by Rev Sue Nicol. The Christmas Day service will be at 10:30am, led by Rev Jo Rand, and will be suitable for all ages.
On New Year’s Eve there will be Watchnight service at Grange Methodist at 11:30pm, led by David and Hazel Edmondson. All welcome who wish to see in the New Year in worship and prayer.
The Christmas Tree Festival is open daily at St Paul’s Church in Grange from Friday 6th December – Friday 27th December, 10am - 4pm (closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and during services). Our tree is no. 25 and is by the hatch. Thanks to all those from Toast church who made the main decorations.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: December 19th Rev Lis Mullen; December 26th no meeting; January 2nd David and Hazel Edmondson. The Community Lantern-lit Carol service is at the URC at 6:00pm on Thursday, December 19th, followed by hot drinks and mince pies. Donations for St Mary’s Hospice and Alzheimer’s Research.
For your 2025 diaries: Friday, January 3rd – Repair café open at the earlier time of 5-7pm
Saturday, January 11th – Church family party from 4-7pm. All ages welcome, bring and share tea.
There will not be an update on Christmas Eve. The next update will go out on Monday, December 30th, to avoid having to send or duplicate it over New Year - please note the earlier deadline! Please send items for this update to me
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
10 December 2024
We now have more of the “Hush the Noise” postcards with details of our Christmas services on – do take some to pass on to friends and neighbours.
Please find here the Winter newsletter from the Churches Together Youth Trust. We support this in person, financially and in prayer. Do read the article about “Soul Fuel”. Hard copies are available in church.
The Winter 2024/2025 edition of “The Way” can be found here. The final page has an interview with Bea Hulme, a young Methodist from Penrith who has been elected as this year’s national Methodist Youth President.
Message from the Leadership Team: By invitation, we are going to sing carols again at Graythwaite Court, on Wednesday, December 18th at 7:30pm. Please let Glenda or Hazel know if you can join us that evening – they like to know numbers, as they put on refreshments to follow. Please meet at Graythwaite Court.
Reminder from David Edmondson: “Worship at the residential homes in December is a week earlier than usual in each case, so we can share carols together. Sunday December 22nd at the Old Vicarage, Christmas Eve at Cartmel Grange. We meet at the homes at 2:15 for 2:30; extra voices welcome.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on term-time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Lunch and Pray, led by Hazel Edmondson, follows the Coffee morning on Wednesday, December 11th.
Sunday services: Grange: The service on Sunday, December 15th is our Nativity service, led by Mr Paul Rand and Toast Church. Remember that this will begin at the earlier time of 10:00am. Do invite friends and neighbours. Songs of Praise is at 4:00pm, followed by a buffet te a. The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, December 22nd will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson. Then the Carol service is at 6:00pm, led by Rev Jo Rand and with a singing group from the congregation; all welcome to rehearse from 4:15 that day. The Carol service will be followed by hot drinks and mince pies.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, December 15th will be our Carol Service, led by Rev David Edmondson. The service on December 22nd will be led by Mr Dare Holland.
Cartmel Methodist Church invite everyone to “Coffee and Carols” from 2:00 to 3:30pm on Tuesday, December 17th. All welcome to sing your favourite carols and enjoy some refreshment. Ask David Edmondson about transport.
The monthly in person Bible Study meets at the home of David and Hazel Edmondson (details below) on Tuesday, December 17th. The December joint Holy Communion service with our friends from St Paul’s is at our church, led by Rev Sue Nicol, at 10:00am on Wednesday, December 18th.
The Christmas Tree Festival is open daily at St Paul’s Church in Grange from Friday 6th December – Friday 27th December, 10am - 4pm (closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and during services). Our tree is no. 25 and is by the hatch. Thanks to all those from Toast church who made the main decorations and came to St Paul’s on Wednesday last week to help decorate it.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: December 12th Rev Kate Hunt (Christingle), December 19th Rev Lis Mullen. Through Advent, Monday Meet-Up will be weekly on Mondays from 2:00 to 3:30 at the URC, with an Advent Knit Along and Advent Reflections along with the usual games, jigsaws, colouring, crafting and refreshments. The Community Lantern-lit Carol service is at the URC at 6:00pm on Thursday, December 19th, followed by hot drinks and mince pies. Donations for St Mary’s Hospice and Alzheimer’s Research.
You may like to be aware of the following concerts:
Friday, December 13th at 7:00pm at Ulverston Parish Church: Ulverston Choral Society + professional soloists and small orchestra perform Handel’s “Messiah”. Entrance £15, on door or online.
Saturday, December 14th at 2:00pm at St. Paul’s: Audrey Gorman and Charles Edmondson (and friends) present "A Seasonal Tapestry in words and Music". Admission Free.
There will not be an update on Christmas Eve; please make sure that any items for the rest of 2024 reach me by next Sunday, December 17th. There will be an update on New Year’s Eve. Please send items for this update to me
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
3 December 2024
Message from Ruth and Marion Briddock: “We really appreciate all the goodwill messages, cards and prayers. The current situation is that the doctors have said no surgery is necessary on the broken arm and as soon as things can be arranged Mum will come home.”
Message from the Leadership Team: By invitation, we are going to sing carols again at Graythwaite Court, on Wednesday, December 18th at 7:30pm. Please let Glenda or Hazel know if you can join us that evening – they like to know numbers, as they put on refreshments to follow. Please meet at Graythwaite Court.
Message from Glenda Clark: “My friend Iris in Kendal has let me know that the lorry from International Aid collected all the shoeboxes last Friday, so they are on their way, final destination unknown at present! Iris asked me to pass on a huge Thankyou to members of Grange Methodist Church for their generous gifts which helped to fill 100 shoeboxes. Our help was gratefully appreciated.”
Message from Sue Nicol: “On 4th December our usual monthly stall is back, so please may we have some more produce to sell, if you can manage it. I will be organising this while Liz is on holiday, and taking orders for eggs that will be available at the next Stall on 8th January. Please note this date – no Produce Stall on 1st January, though the coffee morning will be open for anyone who wishes to come that day. Thanks”
Message from David Edmondson: “Thanks to everyone who supported the Churches Together Advent Carol service at Boarbank Hall. £216 was raised for Derian House Children’s Hospice in Chorley.”
Penny Ward has let Glenda know that in total there was a wonderful response to the Food Bank Collection last Sunday, with many Christmas items and the other necessary items, plus £300 in the Collection Boxes.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on term-time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Lunch and Pray, led by Hazel Edmondson, follows the Coffee morning on Wednesday, December 11th.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, December 8th will be led by Mrs Paulette Bissell. The service on December 15th is our Nativity service, led by Mr Paul Rand and Toast Church. Remember that this will begin at the earlier time of 10:00am. Do invite friends and neighbours.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, December 8th will be led by Rev David Jackson and will include Holy Communion. December 15th brings our Carol Service, led by Rev David Edmondson.
Cartmel Methodist Church invite everyone to “Coffee and Carols” from 2:00 to 3:30pm on Tuesday, December 17th. All welcome to sing your favourite carols and enjoy some refreshment.
The Christmas Tree Festival opening reception at St Paul’s church is on Thursday 5th December at 7.00pm. MP Tim Farron will be officially opening the festival along with music from the children at Grange School and the Bay Community Singers. Mince pies and seasonal punch will be served.
After the Opening event, the Festival will be open daily at St Paul’s Church in Grange from Friday 6th December – Friday 27th December, 10am - 4pm (closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day).
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: December 5th David and Hazel Edmondson; December 12th Rev Kate Hunt. Their Christmas Coffee morning is on Saturday, December 7th from 10:00am to 12 noon. Through Advent, Monday Meet-Up will be weekly on Mondays from 2:00 to 3:30, with an Advent Knit Along and Advent Reflections along with the usual games, jigsaws, colouring, crafting and refreshments.
You may like to be aware of the following concerts:
Sunday, December 8th at 3:30pm at Cartmel Priory: Cartmel Choral Society Christmas Concert. Varied programme and some traditional carols. Entrance £10, refreshments during interval.
Friday, December 13th at 7:00pm at Ulverston Parish Church: Ulverston Choral Society + professional soloists and small orchestra perform Handel’s “Messiah”. Entrance £15, on door or online.
Saturday, December 14th at 2:00pm at St. Paul’s: Audrey Gorman and Charles Edmondson (and friends) present "A Seasonal Tapestry in words and Music". Admission Free.
There will not be an update on Christmas Eve; please make sure that any items for the rest of 2024 reach me by December 17th. Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
26 November 2024
Please find here the latest edition of the Mustard Seed, which covers December and January. And here is the latest copy of the “Ruach” newsletter from Grace Cauldwell.
The Winter 2024 edition of the Connexion magazine is now available at church, or you can download a pdf copy here. It is full of interesting and inspiring stories about ventures by other Methodist churches; do read it!
Message from Claire and Jean: “Please join Cartmel Quakers on Friday 29 November at 10:30 am in the Meeting House on Hagg’s Lane, for a Time for Peace focused on the many conflicts around the world.
A silence of 30 minutes is followed by a cup of tea and time for fellowship and sharing your thoughts.
Everyone is welcome, whether or not you are familiar with Quaker worship.”
Message from Sue Nicol: “‘Produce Stall at the Wednesday Coffee Morning on December 4th. It’s not long since the tremendous effort we made for the Christmas Coffee Morning, when we raised the best part of £300 on the stall! Thank you to everyone who baked, and bought from, the great selection of produce.
On 4th December our usual monthly stall is back, so please may we have some more produce to sell, if you can manage it. I will be organising this while Liz is on holiday, and taking orders for eggs that will be available at the next Stall on 8th January. Please note this date – we are not having a Produce Stall on 1st January, though the coffee morning will be open for anyone who wishes to come that day. Thanks”
Message from the fundraising team: “Please bring your Jars of Thanks and/or 20p jars in for emptying during November. They can be brought to church on Sundays or to the coffee morning.”
There will be an ecumenical Quiet Morning for Advent on Saturday, 30th November, 9.30am – 12noon.
The theme will be ‘Thine be the Glory’ , led by Rev Sue Nicol, at Grange Methodist church. Coffee is at 9.30am and is followed by worship at 10am. Then there is a time of quietness, with some notes for guidance if you wish to use them, before a celebration of Holy Communion, finishing at 12 noon. Anyone who would like to stay on afterwards for lunch is welcome to do so; bring your own food, drinks provided.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on term-time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Advent Sunday, December 1st will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion. We will begin the focus on “Hush the Noise”. The service on December 8th will be led by Mrs Paulette Bissell. Advance notice: the Service on December 15th, which is our Nativity service, will begin at the earlier time of 10:00am.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Advent Sunday, December 1st will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley. The service on December 8th will be led by Rev David Jackson and will include Holy Communion.
The Churches Together Advent Carol service will be in the Boarbank Hall Chapel at 3:00pm on Sunday, December 1st, followed by refreshments. Donations welcome for Derian House Children’s Hospice.
Events at St Paul’s: Saturday, November 30th: Christmas Fair from 10:00 to 1:00 with a variety of stalls.
Gill Webster from St Paul’s church Grange, writes: We would like to invite you to the opening reception at the start of this year's Christmas Tree Festival, at St Paul’s church on Thursday 5th December at 7.00pm. As usual our MP Tim Farron will be officially opening the festival along with music from the children at Grange School and the Bay Community Singers. Mince pies and seasonal punch will be served. This year's charities are Barrow Foodbank and St Paul's heating fund. After the Opening event, the Festival will be open daily at St Paul’s Church in Grange from Friday 6th December – Friday 27th December, 10am - 4pm (though it will be closed on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and for any Services).
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: November 28th Rev Martyn Coe; December 5th David and Hazel Edmondson. Their Christmas Coffee morning is on Saturday, December 7th from 10:00am to 12 noon. Through Advent, Monday Meet-Up will be weekly on Mondays from 2:00 to 3:30, with an Advent Knit Along and Advent Reflections along with the usual games, jigsaws, colouring, crafting and refreshments.
Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
19 November 2024
Please find here, for those who are interested, the minutes of the General Church meeting held on Sunday, which Jo has agreed. Postcards are now available with details of all our Christmas services. Do take one for yourself from church, and others to pass on to friends or neighbours.
Message from Jo: “As some of you are aware, Norman Rothery died a few weeks ago. We didn't share anything sooner because we had not heard details of his funeral, but we understand that private arrangements were made. We valued Norman's links with our church, and were particularly very grateful for all that he gave over the years to the church garden - we know this was frequently noticed and appreciated by visitors and local people alike."
Message from Carol Lamb: “Just a reminder that the next foodbank collection will take place in Grange on Sunday 24th November. This will be the “Christmas” collection so any associated items such as gravy granules, stuffing mix, tinned potatoes, tinned vegetables, Christmas cake, Christmas puddings, mince pies, chocolates and biscuits will be most gratefully appreciated., as well as the usual items. The green box for cash donations will be in church on Sundays. Thank you for your continued support.”
Message from Claire and Jean: “Please join Cartmel Quakers on Friday 29 November at 10:30 am in the Meeting House on Hagg’s Lane, for a Time for Peace focused on the many conflicts around the world. A silence of 30 minutes is followed by a cup of tea and time for fellowship and sharing your thoughts. Everyone is welcome, whether or not you are familiar with Quaker worship.”
Message from the fundraising team: “Thanks to all who contributed in any way to the very enjoyable Christmas Coffee morning, which raised over £850. Please bring your Jars of Thanks and/or 20p jars in for emptying during November. They can be brought to church on Sundays or to the coffee morning.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on term-time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The November joint midweek Holy Communion service will be at 10:00am on Wednesday, November 20th, when we join our friends from St Paul’s at their church.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, November 24th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson, then at 6:00pm there is “Stillness and Song”, Taizé-style worship led by local musicians. The service on December 1st will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 24th will be led by Rev David Jackson. The service on December 1st will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley.
The in person evening Bible study has moved to a Tuesday evening, still at 7:30pm at Hazel and David’s (details below). The next one is on Tuesday, November 26th. New participants welcome!
There will be an ecumenical Quiet Morning for Advent on Saturday, 30th November, 9.30am – 12noon. The theme will be ‘Thine be the Glory’ , led by Rev Sue Nicol, at Grange Methodist church. Coffee is at 9.30am and is followed by worship at 10am. Then there is a time of quietness, with some notes for guidance if you wish to use them, before a celebration of Holy Communion, finishing at 12 noon. Anyone who would like to stay on afterwards for lunch is welcome to do so; bring your own food, drinks provided.
The Churches Together Advent Carol service will be in the Boarbank Hall Chapel at 3:00pm on Sunday, December 1st, followed by refreshments. Donations welcome for Derian House Children’s Hospice.
Events at St Paul’s: Sunday, November 24th at 2:30pm: Concert by Burneside Brass (entry free, donations welcome, refreshments); Saturday, November 30th: Christmas Fair from 10:00 to 1:00 with a variety of stalls and Sue’s café; Thursday December 5th at 7:00pm Christmas Tree Festival Opening Reception.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: November 21st Judith Bartlett, November 28th Rev Martyn Coe. Their Christmas Coffee morning is on Saturday, December 7th from 10:00am to 12 noon.
The deadline for the next Mustard Seed is next Sunday, November 24th. Please note that this issue will cover both December 2024 and January 2025. Please send items for it or for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
12 November 2024
Please find here a South Lakes Circuit leaflet, giving details of Advent and Christmas events and activities around the area. Please note that Revd Grace Cauldwell has a new email address. She will still be checking her old email address for a while but please update your records by replacing her old email address.
Message from Glenda: “Next Saturday 16th November, come and enjoy your Morning Coffee (£2 tea or coffee with biscuits) at the Christmas Coffee Morning. There will be opportunity to support the ‘Renew‘ Charity shop in Barrow by purchasing Christmas Cards, Advent and other Calendars, books and decorations with a Christian message (you'll need cash to buy things from this stall), tempting things to eat from The Produce Stall, and hand-made Christmas Wreaths, Cards & Gift Tags, as well as our regular Card & Book Stall ‘ We will be open from 10 a.m. until 12-30 p.m. Look forward to seeing you there!“
Message from Liz Jackson: “We have a produce stall at our Christmas coffee morning on Saturday 10 - 12.30 . Canyou make, bake or produce something for us to sell? All contributions welcome or just pop by and buy something. See you there Liz.”
Message from Carol lamb: “Just a reminder that the next foodbank collection will take place in Grange on Sunday 24th November. There are the usual 2 collection boxes in church and the hall, both with posters listing items required. The green box for cash donations will be in church on Sundays. Glenda will be point of contact if you need any help or advice. This will be the “Christmas” collection so any associated items such as gravy granules, stuffing mix, tinned potatoes, tinned vegetables, Christmas cake, Christmas puddings, mince pies, chocolates and biscuits will be most gratefully appreciated., as well as the usual items. Thank you for your continued support.”
Message from Claire and Jean: “Please join Cartmel Quakers on Friday 29 November at 10:30 am in the Meeting House on Hagg’s Lane, for a Time for Peace focused on the many conflicts around the world.
A silence of 30 minutes is followed by a cup of tea and time for fellowship and sharing your thoughts.
Everyone is welcome, whether or not you are familiar with Quaker worship. For more details, email us. In peace.”
Message from the fundraising team: “Please bring your Jars of Thanks and/or 20p jars in for emptying during November. They can be brought to church on Sundays or to the coffee morning.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on term-time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The next “Lunch and Pray” follows the coffee morning on Wednesday, November 13th, We share a simple lunch together from 12:00 and then share a relaxed time of prayer from 1:00 to 1:30, led by Rev Su Nicol.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, November 17th will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will include Holy Communion. The service on the 24th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 17th will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell. The service on November 24th will be led by Rev David Jackson.
The Grange General Church Meeting will be at 1:00pm. on Sunday, November 17th. All are invited. You are welcome to bring a packed lunch to eat at church after the morning service; hot drinks will be available. Apologies to Hazel, please.
The November joint midweek Holy Communion service will be at 10:00am on Wednesday, November 20th, when we join our friends from St Paul’s at their church.
The in person evening Bible study has moved to a Tuesday evening, still at 7:30pm at Hazel and David’s (details below). The next one is on Tuesday, November 26th New participants welcome!
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: November 14th Rev Kate Hunt; November 21st Judith Bartlett.
The deadline for the next Mustard Seed is Sunday, November 24th. Please note that this issue will cover both December 2024 and January 2025. Please send items for it or for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
5 November 2024
Please find here the Annual Report for 2023-2024. This will be discussed at the General Church Meeting, which will be on Sunday, November 17th at 1:00pm. The agenda for this meeting is on the back page of the report. All are invited. You are welcome to bring a packed lunch to eat at church after the morning service; hot drinks will be available. Apologies to Hazel, please.
We have received some lovely hand-written thank you letters from the pupils of Beetham Primary school who came to look round our church before half term. Olivia wrote: “I loved it so much because of all the activities you do and the fact that you removed the pews and replaced them with chairs so you could arrange them how you like”.
Message from Liz Jackson: “Our next produce stall is on Wednesday November 6th. Please can you support us by making, baking or collecting produce from your gardens. We really need jars of chutney if you can find time to make some for us. Our Wednesday community coffee mornings are well supported and our regulars who bake for us are much appreciated by everyone. Thanks Liz”
Message from Glenda and Sue: “The next Meeting of the Fundraising Team will be in the Church Hall on Thursday 7th November @ 2 p.m. New faces and ideas will be most welcome” .
From the Fund raising team: There is to be a concert by Chris Bannister playing ‘The Music of John Denver’ at the Victoria Hall on 8th November at 8pm. The organisers have offered to give us £2 from every ticket sold, towards our building fund. So please advertise this among your friends and family and help to make it a successful occasion.
Reminder from the leadership team: You are warmly invited to Steps in Faith: Walking with Jesus and marking the journey. This is particularly for anyone new to the church, new to Methodism, or looking for a bit of a refresher, but everyone is welcome. We’ll finish by sharing lunch together. Saturday 9th November, 10-1 at Grange Methodist Church. Please book with Hazel (contact details below).
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on term-time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, November 10th will be led by Mrs Lesley Thompson. The service on November 17th will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will include Holy Communion.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 10th will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion. The service on November 17th will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell.
Remembrance Sunday, 10th November: The Civic Service of Remembrance will be at St Paul’s Church at 2:00 p.m. You are then invited to make your own way from the Church to the War Memorial to the Ornamental Gardens, where Flookburgh Band will be playing. The Act of Remembrance will start at 3:30 p.m. All are welcome to come for refreshments after that at the Victoria Hall.
Remembrance Day, Monday, 11th November: The Remembrance Day Service, including one minute’s silence, will be at 11:00 a.m. at the War Memorial in the Ornamental Gardens. The next “Lunch and Pray” follows the coffee morning on Wednesday, November 13th, We share a simple lunch together from 12:00 and then share a relaxed time of prayer from 1:00 to 1:30, led by Rev Su Nicol.
Our Christmas Coffee Morning is on Saturday, 16th November from 10:00 to 12:30.
The URC Monday Meet-Up group meets in the URC hall from 2:00 to 3:30 on Monday, November 11th for conversation and company, jigsaws, games and crafts and refreshments.
There is a concert by Charles Edmondson (organ and piano) at St Paul’s church at 11:00 on Tuesday, November 12th. Light refreshments served from 10:30.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: November 7th David Lamb; November 14th Rev Kate Hunt.
Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
29 October 2024
Please find here the November edition of the Mustard Seed.
And here is an article from Jo, now safely back in the UK.
Message from Keith Upton (our new treasurer): “The current total of the donations received from the Open Giving Morning is £20,011 including gift aid. This amount will increase slightly when Paul has finalised the amount he has raised from his sponsored 3 peaks writing challenge.” Thanks to all who contributed.
From the Repair Café team: “The next Repair Café will be held on Friday, 1 November and will start at the earlier time of 4pm with a special "Preparing for Christmas" session, where we will help refurb people's old decorations, faulty tree lights and other Christmas paraphernalia to keep them in use and avoid waste, as well as demonstrating some present wrapping using more sustainable methods. We're hoping people will also donate or swap things they no longer want to help others on a tight budget. Leftover items will go to charity shops. From 6 - 8 p.m. will be general repairs as normal.” Offers of cake to Hazel, please.
The next ecumenical Men’s breakfast will be on Saturday, November 2nd. Please meet in our church hall from 8:30am to share a simple breakfast, conversation and time for prayer.
Message from Liz Jackson: “Our next produce stall is on Wednesday November 6th. Please can you support us by making, baking or collecting produce from your gardens. We really need jars of chutney if you can find time to make some for us. Our Wednesday community coffee mornings are well supported and our regulars who bake for us are much appreciated by everyone. Thanks Liz”
From the Fund raising team: There is to be a concert by Chris Bannister playing ‘The Music of John Denver’ at the Victoria Hall on 8th November at 8pm. The organisers have offered to give us £2 from every ticket sold, towards our building fund. So please advertise this among your friends and family and help to make it a successful occasion.
From the leadership team: You are warmly invited to Steps in Faith: Walking with Jesus and marking the journey. This is particularly for anyone new to the church, new to Methodism, or looking for a bit of a refresher, but everyone is welcome. We’ll share some Christian basics, explore the origins and emphases of the Methodist Church, learn a bit about baptism, confirmation, membership and communion – what they mean and how they relate, and there will be space to consider where you find yourself with God. We’ll finish by sharing lunch together. Saturday 9th November, 10-1 at Grange Methodist Church. Please book with Hazel (contact details below).
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on term-time Sundays (not November 3rd as it’s half term), Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, November 3rd will be led by Mrs Joy Campton, then at 6:00pm there will be a reflective service led by David and Hazel Edmondson. The morning service on November 10th will be led by Mrs Lesley Thompson.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, November 3rd will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson. The service on November 10th will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion.
There will be an All Souls service at St Paul’s on Sunday 3rd November at 4.00pm. If you would like to have a loved one remembered by name in the prayers at this service, please fill in the All Souls’ Service Book by St Paul’s West Door by 31st October, or contact Hazel by then who will put it in for you.
The funeral of Peter Mardon will be held at Cartmel Methodist Church at 11:30am on Monday, November 4th. Please remember Janet, relatives and friends in your prayers.
Please see the Mustard Seed for details of Remembrance Sunday and Remembrance Day services.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: October 31st Pam Dent: November 7th David Lamb.
Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
22 October 2024
From the leadership team: You are warmly invited to Steps in Faith: Walking with Jesus and marking the journey. This is particularly for anyone new to the church, new to Methodism, or looking for a bit of a refresher, but everyone is welcome. We’ll share some Christian basics, explore the origins and emphases of the Methodist Church, learn a bit about baptism,confirmation, membership and communion – what they mean and how they relate, and there will be space to consider where you find yourself with God. We’ll finish by sharing lunch together. Saturday 9th November, 10-1 at Grange Methodist Church. There's a poster here. Please book with Hazel (contact details below).
Message from Jo: “Dear Friends, About 18 months ago I made contact for the first time with my biological father Peter, who I had discovered was living in the Philippines – I have shared some of that story with some of you when it has come up in conversation, and I am happy to talk about it – just be aware it takes some time to tell! I have been getting to know Peter a bit since then and we had been hoping to go out as a family to visit, to meet him, and his wife, daughters and extended family over there.
Sadly Peter became ill, was admitted to hospital last Saturday, and died on Thursday. After much conflict of head and heart, I have arranged to travel out for his funeral, and to meet his family and friends, who really wanted me to be there. It is a daunting journey to make, both practically and emotionally, and the situation there is full of complexity. I would be glad of your prayers for me, and for the rest of his family, especially his daughters Sky and Sophie, who are only 15 and 11 years old, and whose mother died in 2021, also his wife Lovely, who only married Peter a year ago, and his adult son Mike (also travelling out from the UK). Please also pray for my family here – Paul, Martha, Amos and my mum and dad (who are very supportive of me going), as I know they will worry about me travelling alone. By the time this week's update goes out on Tuesday night I should be almost there. I arrive back in the UK the following Tuesday lunchtime, and we will be spending the rest of that week with my parents for half term. Thank you.”
Message from Judith Sharples: “Would friends who hold Home Mission or World Mission Boxes please let Judith Sharples have them for emptying. If anyone would like to hold a box or make a donation to this important work Judith would be very pleased to see you.”
Shoebox items: Remember that there is a dedicated box in the Church Porch untilSunday 27th October, where any gifts can be left These will be passed on to Stricklandgate Methodist Church in Kendal.
Message from Hazel Edmondson: “Thanks to those who have already sent in the requested reports for the Annual Report. If you are still to do yours, remember the deadline is this Sunday, October 27th.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on Sundays (not November 3rd), Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, October 27th will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley. The morning service on November 3rd will be led by Mrs Joy Campton, then at 6:00pm there will be a reflective service led by David and Hazel Edmondson.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 27th will be led by Mr John Hutchinson. The service on November 3rd will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson.
The in-person evening Bible study has moved to a Tuesday evening, still at 7:30pm at Hazel and David’s (details below). The next one is on Tuesday, October 29th. New participants welcome!
There will be an All Saints/All Souls service, Remembering the Faithful Departed, at St Paul’s on Sunday 3rd November at 4.00pm. If you would like to have a loved one remembered by name in the prayers at this service, please fill in the All Souls’ Service Book by St Paul’s West Door by 31st October.
The URC Monday Meet-Up group meets in the URC hall from 2:00 to 3:30 on Monday, October 28th for conversation and company, jigsaws, games and crafts and refreshments.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: October 24th Rev Lis Mullen; October 31st Pam Dent.
The deadline for the November edition of the Mustard Seed is Sunday, October 27th. Please send items to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
15 October 2024
Please find here a letter from Paul Rand.
Message from Carol Lamb: “A huge thank you for your generous contributions to the recent food bank collection. Every donation, no matter how small, makes a difference to families who are struggling.
Just an early reminder that the next collection will take place on Sunday 24th November. Please note that this will be the “Christmas” collection so any associated items will be most welcome. Further details to follow. Thank you again, Carol.”
Message from Judith Sharples: “Would friends who hold Home Mission or World Mission Boxes please let Judith Sharples have them for emptying. If anyone would like to hold a box or make a donation to this important work Judith would be very pleased to see you.”
Shoeboxes: Remember that there is a dedicated box in the Church Porch until Sunday 27th October, where any gifts can be left These will be passed on to Stricklandgate Methodist Church in Kendal. Suitable items include knitted items for children, toiletries, toothbrushes and toothpaste, small toys, pencils and notebooks. Small soft toys and packets of sweets (not Chocolate) will be very welcome!
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on Sundays in term time, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The October joint midweek communion service will be at 10:00 on Wednesday, October 16th. It will be led by Rev David Edmondson, and our friends from St Paul’s will join us at our church.
Remember the ‘Open Giving Event’ on Saturday 19th October from 10am - 12noon in the Church Hall. The plans for the building, which have had to be adapted from the ones on our original leaflet, will be on show, and there will be church leaders present to provide some explanation and background thinking. We invite you to come and discover more about the project, and how it will impact the community once it is finished. There will of course be coffee and cake available, plus the opportunity to make a donation towards the redevelopment project; the card reader will be available. Please pray that there will be a generous response to this event, and publicise it among friends and neighbours if you feel able to.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, October 20th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson. That afternoon brings the October Songs of Praise. We meet in the church at 4:00 p.m. to sing our praise. You are invited to choose your favourite hymn, and perhaps share the stories behind your hymn choices. It’s also a chance to learn some new hymns, or sing again new ones that have been introduced in services. We then share a buffet tea together, which we will provide; there will be a plate for donations. The service on October 27th will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 20th will be led by Rev David Edmondson. The service on October 27th will be arranged locally.
The URC have a group, Monday Meet-Up, that meets once a fortnight on Monday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:30 for conversation and company, jigsaws, games and crafts and refreshments. The next session is on Monday, October 28th. They are holding a “Leaves and Laughter” event on Sunday, October 27th from 2-4pm – “an autumnal afternoon tea with songs to sing and quizzes to challenge”. Donations to Dignity in Dementia. Please contact Margaret Popper (33956) if you plan to attend.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: October 17th David and Hazel Edmondson; October 24th Rev Lis Mullen. Please note that the gathering on October 17th will be in church as the hall is in use as a polling station for the local council election. (And if you’re going to vote, don’t forget you need to take photo ID with you!)
The deadline for the November edition of the Mustard Seed is Sunday, October 27th. Please send items for it or for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
8 October 2024
Shoeboxes: Remember that there is a dedicated box in the Church Porch until Sunday 27th October, where any gifts can be left These will be passed on to Stricklandgate Methodist Church in Kendal. Suitable items include knitted items for children, toiletries, toothbrushes and toothpaste, small toys, pencils and notebooks. Small soft toys and packets of sweets (not Chocolate) will be very welcome!
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on Sundays in term time, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Lunch and Pray: Stay after the coffee morning on Wednesday, October 9th or come specially for this. We share a bread and cheese lunch together from 12:00 and then a relaxed time of prayer from 1:00 to 1:30, led this month by Rev Jo Rand.
Grange Church Council will meet in church (not in the church hall) at 7:30pm on Wednesday, October 9th.
Cartmel Church Council will meet at the chapel at 11:00am on Friday, October 11th.
Beetham CE Primary School Class 3 (26 pupils, Years 4, 5 and 6) are visiting Grange for the day on Friday, October 11th. They plan to visit several of the local churches to be able to compare the buildings as part of their RE learning. They will be at our church from 11:30 to 12:00 noon, meeting Jo and Hazel.
The Lifeboat support group will hold their Autumn Fair from 9:30am to 12 noon in the church hall on Saturday, October 12th. Entry fee £2 on the door. Refreshments available. Lifeboat gifts and cards, raffle, cakes and produce, tombola, bric-a-brac. Any stall donations welcome.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, October 13th will be a service to mark Sight Loss Sunday, led by members of the congregation. The service on October 20th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 13th will be led by Rev David Jackson and will include Holy Communion. The service on October 20th will be led by Rev David Edmondson.
The URC have a group, Monday Meet-Up, that meets once a fortnight on Monday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:30 for conversation and company, jigsaws, games and crafts and refreshments. The next session is on Monday, October 14th.
The October joint midweek communion service will be at 10:00 on Wednesday, October 16th. It will be led by Rev David Edmondson, and our friends from St Paul’s will join us at our church.
Open Giving Event’ on Saturday 19th October from 10am - 12noon in the Church Hall. The plans for the building, which have had to be adapted from the ones on our original leaflet, will be on show, and there will be church leaders present to provide some explanation and background thinking. We invite you to come and discover more about the project, and how it will impact the community once it is finished. There will of course be coffee and cake available! Plus the opportunity to make a donation towards the redevelopment project.
The October Songs of Praise will be on Sunday, October 20th. We meet in the church at 4:00 p.m. to sing our praise. You are invited to choose your favourite hymn, and perhaps share the stories behind your hymn choices. It’s also a chance to learn some new hymns, or sing again new ones that have been introduced in services. We then share a buffet tea together, which we will provide; there will be a plate for donations.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be October 10th Rev Kate Hunt, October 17th David and Hazel Edmondson.
Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
1 October 2024
The October edition of the Mustard Seed is here. Thanks to all who have contributed.
Thank you to all who remembered Priory Day in your prayers. Earlier today (Tuesday), 135 9-11 year olds from all the local primary schools took part in a day at Cartmel Priory spent exploring Psalm 23 through 6 different workshops: music, prayer, craft, drama, games and an outdoor activity. Thanks to Cartmel Methodist church who lent their premises for the day. Our church provided leadership of 3 of the workshops, help with another, and Jo also led an opening activity and some of the together sessions. Thanks to all who loaned model sheep! Do continue to pray for the children and their staff and families.
Message from Liz Jackson:” Produce stall Wednesday October 2nd. As always there’s a varied selection of excellent produce to purchase at very reasonable prices. You can always request a whole cake for a celebration or tray bakes if entertaining. We are very lucky to have such excellent bakers and cooks who supply us with wonderful produce to tempt the taste buds. Come along to support or make us something to sell. Garden produce always welcome too if you have a glut of something!”.
Invitation from St Paul’s “Cuppa and Cake: An opportunity to sit awhile and chat in the Social Area on the first Wednesday in each month, so Wednesday, October 2nd, at 2:30 pm. Please do bring a friend along, especially if you know someone who’d enjoy some food and company”.
Message from Cartmel Quakers: “The next Time for Peace will be on Friday 4 October at 10:30. Please join us at the Meeting House in Haggs Lane, Cartmel for half an hour of silence followed by tea, coffee and fellowship. Everyone is welcome.”
The Repair Café will be open in our hall from 6-8pm on Friday, October 4th. Offers of cake to Hazel, please. Do bring any items in need of repair, such as textiles, electrical, wood, computers and phones, to see if they can be given a new lease of life by our talented amateur repairers. Enjoy a cuppa and chat while you wait, or maybe learn how to do some repairs for yourself.
The next ecumenical Men’s breakfast will be on Saturday, October 5th. Please meet in our church hall from 8:30am to share a simple breakfast, conversation and time for prayer.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on Sundays in term time, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, October 6th will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will include Holy Communion. That evening everyone is invited to “Stillness and Song”, a Taizé-style service at 6:00pm led by local musicians. The service on October 13 will be a service to mark Sight Loss Sunday, led by members of the congregation.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 6th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson. The service on October 13th will be led by Rev David Jackson and will include Holy Communion.
All are welcome to come to the last “Coffee and Chat” for this season at Cartmel Methodist Church from 10:30 to 12:00 noon on Tuesday, October 8th, to share refreshments, conversation and fellowship.
The Grange Church Council will meet in church at 7:30pm on Wednesday, October 9th.
The Cartmel Church Council will meet at the chapel at 11:00am on Friday, October 11th.
The Lifeboat support group will hold their Autumn Fair from 9:30am to 12 noon in the church hall on Saturday, October 12th. Entry fee £2 on the door. Refreshments available. Lifeboat gifts and cards, raffle, cakes and produce, tombola, bric-a-brac. Any stall donations welcome.
The URC have a group, Monday Meet-Up, that meets once a fortnight on Monday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:30 for conversation and company, jigsaws, games and crafts and refreshments. The next session is on Monday, October 14th. All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be October 3rd Rev Martyn Coe; October 10th Rev Kate Hunt.
Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
24 September 2024
Thanks to all who were able to support the Harvest Collection for “All We Can”, which raised £160-50.
Message from Carol Lamb: “The next collection for the Barrow and District Foodbank will take place on Sunday 29th September between 1-3pm at St Charles Church. As we will not be having a service at our church that day, items can be left in the collection boxes in the porch or school room beforehand. Plus the green collecting box will be out in church each Sunday for any gifts of cash. The Foodbank team currently have plenty of tinned meat and tinned soup. Some items most needed are: biscuits, tinned spaghetti, tinned potatoes, tinned custard and rice pudding, jam, jars of pasta sauce, size 6&7 nappies, long life milk.
Please check the dates of any items before donating. Thank you for your continued support.”
Message from Liz Jackson:” Produce stall Wednesday October 2nd. As always there’s a varied selection of excellent produce to purchase at very reasonable prices. You can always request a whole cake for a celebration or tray bakes if entertaining. We are very lucky to have such excellent bakers and cooks who supply us with wonderful produce to tempt the taste buds. Come along to support or make us something to sell. Garden produce always welcome too if you have a glut of something!”.
Message from Cartmel Quakers: “The next Time for Peace will be on Friday 4 October at 10:30. Please join us at the Meeting House in Haggs Lane, Cartmel for half an hour of silence followed by tea, coffee and fellowship. Everyone is welcome.”
From the circuit mailing: “There is a Harvest Coffee Morning at Ulverston Methodist Church on Saturday, September 28th from 10-11.30am – Admission £2 – Raffle, cakes, cards, tombola, bric-a-brac etc. All proceeds for Home & Overseas Missions”. David and Hazel plan to go; do get in touch (details below) if you would like to travel with us.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on Sundays in term time, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Sunday services: Grange: There is no service at Grange Methodist on September 29th as we will go to the united celebration service for youth ministry at St Paul’s. Please note the start time is 11:00 a.m. This service will be streamed. The service at Grange at 10:30 a.m. on October 6th will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will include Holy Communion. That evening everyone is invited to “Stillness and Song”, a Taizé-style service at 6:00pm led by local musicians.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 29th will be our harvest service and will be led by Rev David Edmondson. Gifts of food or money will be received for Kendal Food Bank. Suggested items: Tinned goods: meat in sauce, tomatoes, vegetables, soup, fruit; pasta sauce, packets of cup of soup. The service on October 6th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson.
The Repair Café will be open in our hall from 6-8pm on Friday, October 4th. Offers of cake to Hazel, please. Do bring any items in need of repair, such as textiles, electrical, wood, computers and phones, to see if they can be given a new lease of life by our talented amateur repairers. Enjoy a cuppa and chat while you wait, or maybe learn how to do some repairs for yourself.
From St Mary’s, Allithwaite: “Our Community choir, “Vocal Joy”, invites you to an evening of varied music on Wednesday 2nd October at 7.30pm in St Mary’s church. It’s free (donations to local charity), and everyone is welcome!”
The URC have a group that meets once a fortnight on Monday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:30 for conversation and company, jigsaws, games and crafts and refreshments.. The next Monday Meet up is on Monday, September 30th.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: September 26th Pam Dent; October 3rd Rev Martyn Coe.
The deadline for the October edition of the Mustard Seed is this Sunday, September 29th. Please send items for it or for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
17 September 2024
Message from Carol Lamb: “The next collection for the Barrow and District Foodbank will take place on Sunday 29th September between 1-3pm at St Charles Church. As we will not be having a service at our church that day, items can be left in the collection boxes in the porch or school room beforehand. Plus the green collecting box will be out in church each Sunday for any gifts of cash. The Foodbank team currently have plenty of tinned meat and tinned soup. Some items most needed are: biscuits, tinned spaghetti, tinned potatoes, tinned custard and rice pudding, jam, jars of pasta sauce, size 6&7 nappies, long life milk.
Please check the dates of any items before donating. Thank you for your continued support.”
Messages from Su Lockley:
Anniversary photo book: A photo book of our 150th anniversary celebration weekend is now available. Copies are on sale in church, at Wednesday coffee morning and from Su Lockley (email or phone 015395-92633). Price £20. All proceeds to the development fund.
Legacies: If you are making or revising your Will, have you thought about leaving a gift to the church? It is a wonderful way of giving thanks for all the church is doing today and supporting its mission into the future. The information your solicitor will need is:
Charity name: Grange Methodist Church
Registered charity number: 1198002 Thanks!
Thanks to all who came and shared in the joint harvest service and meal at the URC on Sunday, and for your donations to the work of “All We Can”. Donations can still be given at the coffee morning or at the service on the 22nd. All We Can’s campaign for 2024 is ‘Charity Begins at Home’ A phrase often used to reject the importance of international development work, All We Can are reclaiming it to talk about the importance of locally-led development. The focus is on stories from All We Can’s partner in Liberia, Self-Help Initiative for Sustainable Development. To watch this year’s campaign films, click here, or here for more background
Thanks for your support throughout the year for Fairtrade. This is Fairtrade Fortnight (9th-22nd September) and this year’s theme is “Be the Change”. This encourages all of us to change to Fairtrade products when we can. Do have a look at the display (in church or at the coffee morning) to read stories from some of the producers about how the Fairtrade premium has been used in their locality, and how what they are doing is working to combat climate change too. Thanks to Jo for pointing out the Fairtrade ingredients in the delicious Anniversary cake she made for us last week, and for sharing Fairtrade chocolate with us all.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on Sundays in term time, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The joint mid-week communion service for September will be at St Paul’s church at 10:00am on Wednesday, September 18th.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 22nd will be led by Rev David Edmondson There will be no service at Grange Methodist on September 29th as we will go to the united celebration service for youth ministry at St Paul’s at 11:00 a.m. This service will be streamed.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 22nd will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley. The service on September 29th will be our harvest service and will be led by Rev David Edmondson. Gifts will be received for Kendal Food Bank.
The next gathering of the Grange Leadership Team will be on the afternoon of Tuesday, September 24th – do let us know of anything you would like raised. The next Churches Together meeting will be that evening at St John’s, Flookburgh at 7:00pm.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: September 19th Rev Kate Hunt; September 26th Pam Dent.
The deadline for the October edition of the Mustard Seed is Sunday, September 29th. Please send items for it or for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
10 September 2024
Message from Jo: “I am in search of toy sheep! Do you have a toy sheep you could lend for use as part of a treasure hunt inside the Priory on 1st October? This is for the Priory Day when year 5 and 6 from all the local primary schools take part in a day of activities together. Our theme this year is Psalm 23. Ideally sheep of a reasonable size - minimum maybe 4-5 inches as the Priory is a big place - but soft toys, wooden, plastic etc all fine! Thank you 😊”
Message from Su Lockley: Caton Moor Wind Farm family open day, Saturday 21 September, 10.00-15.30: A rare opportunity to visit our local wind farm. Finding out more about locally generated renewable energy fits well with our priorities as an Eco Church. Also, we are applying to Thrive Renewables, who run the wind farm, for a grant, so this is our chance to support them in return. Tickets are free, from here.
Message from Carol Lamb: “The next collection for the Barrow and District Foodbank will take place on Sunday 29th September between 1-3pm at St Charles Church. As we will not be having a service at our church that day, items can be left in the collection boxes in the porch or school room beforehand. Plus the green collecting box will be out in church each Sunday for any gifts of cash. The Foodbank team currently have plenty of tinned meat and tinned soup. Some items most needed are: biscuits, tinned spaghetti, tinned potatoes, tinned custard and rice pudding, jam, jars of pasta sauce, size 6&7 nappies. Long life milk.
Please check the dates of any items before donating. Thank you for your continued support.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00am on Sundays in term time, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The fundraising team meets in the church hall at 2:00pm on Thursday, September 12th.
Please remember that there is no service at Grange Methodist Church on Sunday, September 15th as we are joining our friends from the United Reformed Church at their church for a joint Harvest service at 10:30am. As both churches are Fairtrade churches, and this is during Fairtrade Fortnight, the service will feature this aspect too. There will be refreshments as usual following the service, and then all are invited to share food and fellowship over a Jacob’s Join finger buffet lunch – please bring a contribution to share.
Donations will be welcome for the work of “All We Can”. All We Can’s campaign for 2024 is ‘Charity Begins at Home’ A phrase often used to reject the importance of international development work, All We Can are reclaiming it to talk about the importance of locally-led development. The focus is on stories from All We Can’s partner in Liberia, SHIFSD (Self-Help Initiative for Sustainable Development, pronounced ‘shift’).
To watch this year’s campaign film, click here.
Sunday services:
Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 15th will be at the URC – as above .That afternoon brings the re-start of the monthly “Songs of Praise” gatherings at Grange Methodist. Come at 4:00 to choose your favourite hymn to sing, sharing the story behind your choice if you wish, or learn some new ones. Then around 4:45 we share a buffet tea together in church. No set charge; donations welcome. The service on September 22nd will be led by Rev David Edmondson.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 15th will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion. The service on September 22nd will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley.
Events at Cartmel: On Friday, September 13th all are invited to a musical afternoon with refreshments at Cartmel chapel from 2:30 to 4:00pm. The community ceilidh band “Common Ground” will provide a musical accompaniment to the sharing of refreshments (tea or coffee, scones and cakes). No set charge, donations welcome for church funds.
The funeral of Mary Mathews will be at the chapel at 11:00am on Friday, September 13th.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: September 12th David and Hazel Edmondson; September 19th Rev Kate Hunt.
Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
3 September 2024
Please find here a letter from Jo with an update about the redevelopment project.
Hard copies of the summer issue of the Connexions magazine are now available in church – do pick one up to read at home. The strapline is “Inspiring stories from the Methodist Church” and it does help to keep our horizons wide. For those not near church, or who prefer to read on screen, the magazine is here.
South Lakes Circuit has produced a postcard-sized prayer card for the start of the Connexional year: “Journeying with faith, one prayer at a time”. Copies are available in church – do take one and use it! There are prayer prompts for all the churches in the circuit and for our circuit staff and stewards.
.We are now part of the enlarged North West England District. The launch service for the new district, which took place on Saturday 31st August, can be viewed here.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon. Toast Church will start again at 9:00am on September 8th.
The next produce stall will be at the Coffee morning on Wednesday, September 4th. All contributions – and customers – welcome. The evening in person Bible study group will meet that evening at David and Hazel’s (details below) at 7:30pm. All are welcome to join this group, even if you’ve not been before.
The Repair Café will start up again after the summer break from 6-8pm on Friday, September 6th. Offers of cake to Hazel, please. Do think if you have items that could be repaired, rather than buying new.
All are invited to the Quiet Morning on Saturday, September 7th from 10am to 12 noon. There will be prompts in church for prayers around our ongoing commitment to the plans and purposes of the building development project. Coffee will be available in the hall.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 8th will be led by Rev Jo Rand. On September 15th the morning service will be at the URC – see below. That afternoon brings the re-start of the monthly “Songs of Praise” gatherings at Grange Methodist. Come at 4:00 to choose your favourite hymn to sing, sharing the story behind your choice if you wish, or learn some new ones. Then around 4:45 we share a buffet tea together in church. No set charge; donations welcome.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 8th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson. The service on September 15th will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion.
There is no service at Grange Methodist Church on Sunday, September 15th as we are joining our friends from the United Reformed Church at their church for a joint Harvest service at 10:30am. Donations will be welcome for the work of “All We Can”. As both churches are Fairtrade churches, and this is during Fairtrade Fortnight, the service will feature this aspect too. There will be refreshments as usual following the service, and then all are invited to share food and fellowship over a Jacob’s Join finger buffet lunch.
Two of the Grange teams have their next meetings coming up, both at church. The pastoral team meet at 2:00pm on Tuesday, September 10th and the fundraising team at 2:00pm on Thursday, September 12th.
Events at Cartmel: All are welcome to come to the September “Coffee and Chat” which will be from 10:30 to 12:00 noon on Tuesday, September 10th, to share refreshments, conversation and fellowship. There will be an event at the chapel at the end of that week too; on Friday, September 13th you are invited to a musical afternoon with refreshments from 2:30 to 4:00pm. The community ceilidh band “Common Ground” will provide a musical accompaniment to the sharing of refreshments (tea or coffee, scones and cakes). No set charge, donations welcome for church funds. The funeral of Mary Mathews will be at the chapel at 11:00am on Friday, September 13th.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: September 5th Pam Dent; September 12th David and Hazel Edmondson.
Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
27 August 2024
Please find the September edition of the Mustard Seed here.
The Cumbria District formally ends on August 31st, becoming part of the enlarged North West England District from 1st September 2024. The launch service for the new district will be on Saturday 31st August at Victoria Hall, Bolton at 2.30 pm. The service will be live streamed, and the link is here.
Message from Claire and Jean: “Dear Friends, Please join Cartmel Quakers for a half hour silent meeting, with a focus on the conflict around the world, followed by tea and coffee and time for fellowship. Starting at 10:30 am on Friday 30 August, in the Haggs Lane meeting house.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon. Toast Church will start again at 9:00am on September 8th.
There is an extra church council meeting on Wednesday, August 28th at 7:30pm in the church hall.
Sunday services:
Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, September 1st will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion, then at 6:00 p.m. there will be a reflective service led by David and Hazel Edmondson. The service on September 8th will be led by Rev Jo Rand.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 1st will be led by Mrs Paulette Bissell. The service on September 8th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson.
The next produce stall will be at the Coffee morning on Wednesday, September 4th. All contributions – and customers – welcome.
The evening in person Bible study group will meet at David and Hazel’s (details below) at 7:30pm on Wednesday, September 4th. All are welcome to join this group, even if you’ve not been before.
The Repair Café will start up again after the summer break from 6-8pm on Friday, September 6th. Offers of cake to Hazel, please. Do think if you have items that could be repaired, rather than buying new.
All are invited to the Quiet Morning on Saturday, September 7th from 10am to 12 noon. There will be prompts in church for prayers around our ongoing commitment to the plans and purposes of the building development project. Coffee will be available in the hall.
Events at Cartmel: All are welcome to come to the September “Coffee and Chat” which will be from 10:30 to 12:00 noon on Tuesday, September 10th, to share refreshments, conversation and fellowship. There will be an event at the chapel at the end of that week too; on Friday, September 13th you are invited to a musical afternoon with refreshments from 2:30 to 4:00pm. The community ceilidh band “Common Ground” will provide a musical accompaniment to the sharing of refreshments (tea or coffee, scones and cakes). No set charge, donations welcome for church funds.
There is no service at Grange Methodist Church on Sunday, September 15th as we are joining our friends from the United Reformed Church at their church for a joint Harvest service at 10:30am. As both churches are Fairtrade churches, and this is during Fairtrade Fortnight, the service will feature this aspect too. There will be refreshments as usual following the service, and then all are invited to share food and fellowship over a Jacob’s Join lunch. We are invited to bring along a contribution of either savoury or sweet finger food to this lunch, such as Savouries: sandwiches, quiche or pork pie, cut into portions or sausage rolls, crisps, cheese / pineapple or other on cocktail sticks; Sweet things: Tray bake, cake or biscuits.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: August 29th Judith Bartlett, September 5th Pam Dent.
Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
20 August 2024
The Cumbria District formally ends on August 3st, becoming part of the enlarged North West England District from 1st September 2024. That will be district number 1, so circuit numbers will change. Please note, if ever you need to quote it: South Lakes circuit number becomes 1/34. The launch service for the new district will be on Saturday 31st August at Victoria Hall, Bolton at 2.30 pm. It is hoped that the service will be available online; I hope to pass on details next week. The link for booking a place to attend live is here.
From this week’s Circuit mailing:
Looking Beyond course at Ulverston Methodist Church: A series of 5 workshops looking at where church is now and where it could be. Each session will take place between 2pm and 4pm, on 4 September (Where are we now?), 25 September (Where have we come from?), 9 October (How do we do this?), 30 October (Church will look different) and 8 January 2025 (What will success look like?). It is hoped that at least 2 people from each congregation could attend. If you might be interested, please contact Hazel (details below) as soon as possible for further details and a copy of the leaflet.
From the beginning of September, Hawkshead prayer and chaplaincy has changed to 2pm on a Wednesday, everyone is very welcome to gather for a time of quiet prayer and reflection.
Message from Claire and Jean: “Dear Friends, Please join Cartmel Quakers for a half hour silent meeting, with a focus on the conflict around the world, followed by tea and coffee and time for fellowship. Starting at 10:30 am on Friday 30 August, in the Haggs Lane meeting house.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon. Toast Church will start again at 9:00am on September 8th.
The joint Holy Communion service for August will be at our church at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 21st, led by Rev Jo Rand.
Sunday services:
Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 25th will be led by Mrs Lesley Thompson. The service on September 1st will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion, then at 6:00 p.m. there will be a reflective service led by David and Hazel Edmondson.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 25th will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion. The service on September 1st will be led by Mrs Paulette Bissell.
Events at Cartmel: All are welcome to come to the September “Coffee and Chat” which will be from 10:30 to 12:00 noon on Tuesday, September 10th, to share refreshments, conversation and fellowship.
There will be an event at the chapel at the end of that week too; on Friday, September 13th you are invited to a musical afternoon with refreshments from 2:30 to 4:00pm. The community ceilidh band “Common Ground” will provide a musical accompaniment to the sharing of refreshments (tea or coffee, scones and cakes). No set charge, donations welcome for church funds.
The final Praise on the Prom for 2024 is on Sunday, August 25th (weather permitting), organised by Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together. Meet at 4:30 at the bottom of the Clare House Railway Bridge. An excellent witness to Grange residents and visitors alike. Last Sunday had some 50 of us gathered, with some on Clare House Bridge too – a wonderful atmosphere. Many thanks to Jean and Mick Malkin..
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: August 22nd Rev Lis Mullen; August 29th Judith Bartlett.
Date for your diaries (flyers available in church): Quiet Morning on Saturday, September 7th from 10am to 12 noon. Prayers for our ongoing commitment to the plans and purposes of the building development project. Quiet space in church, coffee available in the hall.
The deadline for the September edition of the Mustard Seed is Sunday, August 25th. Please send items for it or for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
13 August 2024
Thanks to all who came to the cuppa and chat to support the National Methodist Youth Brass Band in their “chapel crawl” as part of their summer tour. Half of the band took on visiting all the Methodist churches in the southern part of Cumbria in one day (the other half were tackling the northern part). We were the 15th church they visited, when they played a few hymns, shared a reading and a prayer and enjoyed refreshments before moving on their way to Ulverston.
Messages via Glenda – my thanks to her for passing them on:
“Gordon Tomlinson rang to say that Joan passed away last week after an extended stay in hospital where she underwent surgery several times, before going into a Care Home .Gordon says she was very well cared for there. There are no Funeral Arrangements at present, Gordon will let us know when he has made them. Gordon asked me to share the news with folk who knew them.”
“Also, another former member Lynne Riddell is making a visit to Grange this week and hopes to come to the Wednesday Coffee Morning, where she hopes to see some of her old friends.”
The Anniversary recipe book, to which many of you contributed, is on sale at £5 each for the building development fund. Copies are available on the stall at the coffee morning, and at church on Sundays.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon. Toast Church will start again on September 8th.
The August Lunch and Pray is on Wednesday, August 14th. Stay on after the coffee morning, or come specially for this. We share a simple lunch from 12:00 and a relaxed time of prayer from 1:00 to 1:30, led this month by Rev Sue Nicol.
Sunday services: The National Methodist Youth Brass Band are leading the South Lakes circuit service at Ulverston Methodist Church at 11:00 am on Sunday, August 18th. All are welcome to go in person to that service. It will also be live streamed at Grange Methodist church, which will be open as usual, with refreshments to follow, but please note that because the service is live, it will not start until 11:00 a.m.
The service at Ulverston will be followed by a lunch to which all are invited. Ulverston Methodists
would be grateful if anyone going from Grange could bring some desserts with them.
Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 25th will be led by Mrs Lesley Thompson.
Cartmel: The church will be open as usual at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 18th, when members of the congregation will meet to share hymns and readings with any visitors who might come. The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 25th will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion.
Leading the Circuit service is part of the Band’s summer tour. They will be giving a full formal concert on Saturday, August 17th at 7:30 p.m. at Ulverston Methodist Church. No tickets required. Donations on the door to support the Band and Ulverston Methodist Church.
Praise on the Prom will happen (weather permitting) on all the Sundays in July and August this year, organised by Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together. Meet at 4:30 at the bottom of the Clare House Railway Bridge. An excellent witness to Grange residents and visitors alike.
The joint Holy Communion service for August will be at our church at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, August 21st, led by Rev Jo Rand.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: August 15th Rev Kate Hunt; August 22nd Rev Lis Mullen.
Date for your diaries (flyers available in church): Quiet Morning on Saturday, September 7th from 10am to 12 noon. Prayers for our ongoing commitment to the plans and purposes of the building development project. Quiet space in church, coffee available in the hall.
The deadline for the September edition of the Mustard Seed is Sunday, August 25th. Please send items for it or for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
6 August 2024
Message from Hazel: “Following on from Jo’s Building Update letter last week, please find attached a letter from me which includes a blank pledge form, and a sheet that has two copies of the slip to use if you are paying anything towards the fulfilment of a pledge. Our thanks to anyone who can help in this way.”
The summer edition of The Way, the ecumenical newsletter of the Church In Cumbria, is now available here. Page 4 has an article by Rev James Tebbutt, explaining the changes in Cumbria at District level in September 2024 and at Circuit level in September 2025.
Message from Liz Jackson: “Our next produce stall is Wednesday, August 7th Please can you make, bake or pick produce from your garden to sell on our stall. As it’s the holiday season we might be struggling to have a full stall so please support us if you can. Many thanks in anticipation, Liz”
The Anniversary recipe book, to which many of you contributed, is on sale at £5 each for the building development fund. Copies are available on the stall at the coffee morning, and at church on Sundays.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon. Toast Church will start again on September 8th.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 11th will be led by Rev Jo Rand.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 11th will be led by Mrs Dorothy Reilly.
The National Methodist Youth Brass Band are leading the South Lakes circuit service at Ulverston Methodist Church at 11:00 am on Sunday, August 18th. All are welcome to go in person to that service. It will also be live streamed at Grange Methodist church, which will be open as usual, but please note that because the service is live, it will not start until 11:00 a.m.
Leading the Circuit service is part of the Band’s summer tour. There are many other opportunities to see and hear them. There will be full formal concerts on Monday, August 12th at 7:30 p.m. at Carver Uniting Church, Windermere, and on Saturday, August 17th at 7:30 p.m. at Ulverston Methodist Church.
On Tuesday, August 13th, the band are undertaking a “chapel crawl” where members of the band will try to visit 50 or so churches around the county, stopping briefly at each to play a couple of hymns and share in prayer. They are due at Grange around 3:35 p.m.. Please join us for “Cuppa and Chat” from 3:15. The Cartmel “Coffee and Chat” already planned for Tuesday, August 13th will start at the earlier time of 10:00, as the band are due there around 10:10. All welcome to share fellowship and conversation at either event.
Please contact Hazel (details below) if you would like to be at any of these Band events, including the circuit service, but transport is an issue.
The August Lunch and Pray is on Wednesday, August 14th. Stay on after the coffee morning, or come specially for this. We share a simple lunch from 12:00 and a relaxed time of prayer from 1:00 to 1:30, led this month by Rev Sue Nicol.
Praise on the Prom will happen (weather permitting) on all the Sundays in July and August this year, organised by Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together. Meet at 4:30 at the bottom of the Clare House Railway Bridge. An excellent witness to Grange residents and visitors alike. There were more than 30 of us last week – we even split into two parts to sing “Seek ye first the kingdom of God”.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: August 8th David Lamb; August 15th Rev Kate Hunt.
Date for your diaries (flyers available in church): Quiet Morning on Saturday, September 7th from 10am to 12 noon. Prayers for our ongoing commitment to the plans and purposes of the building development project. Quiet space in church, coffee available in the hall.
Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
30 July 2024
Message from Liz Jackson: “Our next produce stall is Wednesday, August 7th Please can you make, bake or pick produce from your garden to sell on our stall. As it’s the holiday season we might be struggling to have a full stall so please support us if you can. Many thanks in anticipation, Liz”
The Anniversary recipe book, to which many of you contributed, is on sale at £5 each for the building development fund. Copies are available on the stall at the coffee morning, and at church on Sundays.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon. Toast Church will start again on September 8th.
The ecumenical men’s breakfast will be in our church hall from 8:30 on Saturday, August 3rd. Share a simple breakfast, conversation and prayer.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, August 4th will be led by Rev David Edmondson, and will include Holy Communion. The service on Sunday, August 11th will be led by Rev Jo Rand.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, August 4th will be led by Rev David Jackson The service on Sunday, August 11th will be led by Mrs Dorothy Reilly.
Praise on the Prom will happen (weather permitting) on all the Sundays in July and August this year, organised by Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together. Meet at 4:30 at the bottom of the Clare House Railway Bridge. An excellent witness to Grange residents and visitors alike.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: August 1st David and Hazel Edmondson; August 8th David Lamb.
The National Methodist Youth Brass Band are coming to Cumbria for their summer tour. There are many opportunities to see and hear them. There will be full formal concerts on Monday, August 12th at 7:30 at Carver Uniting Church, Windermere, and on Saturday, August 17th at 7:30 at Ulverston Methodist Church.
They are leading a circuit service at Ulverston Methodist Church at 11:00 am on Sunday, August 18th. Our congregation are welcome to go in person to that service. It will also be live streamed at our church, which will be open as usual, but please note that because the service is live, it will not start until 11:00 a.m.
On Tuesday, August 13th, the band are undertaking a “chapel crawl” where members of the band will try to visit 50 or so churches around the county, stopping briefly at each to play a couple of hymns and share in prayer. They are due at Grange around 3:35. Please join us for “Cuppa and Chat” from 3:15. The Cartmel “Coffee and Chat” already planned for Tuesday, August 13th will start at the earlier time of 10:00, as the band are due there around 10:10. All welcome to share fellowship and conversation at either event.
Date for your diaries (flyers available in church): Quiet Morning on Saturday, September 7th from 10am to 12 noon. Prayers for our ongoing commitment to the plans and purposes of the building development project. Quiet space in church, coffee available in the hall.
There are 3 local events taking place on Saturday, August 3rd that you may like to attend:
The organisation called “People Pocket Planet” are holding a “Fix Fest” in our church hall from 11:00 till 3:00. This is a festival of events and stalls linked to sustainability - recycling, upcycling, repairs and reusing. Free entry, with a variety of workshops and demos.
The Old Vicarage Care Home in Allithwaite are holding a Strawberry Fayre from 2:00-4:00 to raise funds for Parkinson's UK. Musical entertainment provided by the local band, The Underdogs. Admission is £2.
There is an invitation from the Monday Friendship Group at Arnside Methodist Church to a Strawberry Cream Tea from 2;:00 to 4:30 in aid of St John’s Hospice. Price £4, B&B stall, chocolate tombola and raffle.
Event at St Paul’s church: Tuesday, August 6th at 11:00 a.m.: A PASTORAL TAPESTRY IN WORDS AND MUSIC. A concert given by Audrey Gorman and the Sine Nomine Singers. Admission free. Refreshments from 10.30am.
Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
23 July 2024
The Conference Business Digest (a 3 side summary of news from the recent Methodist Conference, the annual national gathering of the Methodist Church) is now available here.
Message from Carol Lamb: “A huge thank you for all the contributions to the Foodbank at the First Fruits Harvest service. Our donations were the equivalent of 115 meals and there was £66 in cash. The Foodbank team at Barrow were most grateful for our gifts. Many thanks, Carol”
Reminder of message from Juliana, the Circuit Administrator: “The circuit will be placing an order for the 2024/2025 prayer handbook and for Methodist Diaries. If you would like to be included in the circuit order please let us know how many copies of each you require. Each church will receive one copy for the pulpit. Further copies of the prayer handbook are £4.50. Methodist Diaries are available in blue or green or as an organiser insert and are £11 each. We need to know by August 1st.” Please let Hazel know by Sunday, July 28th if you would like to order a prayer handbook and/or a diary, preferably with the appropriate payment, so we send in one order from Grange.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon. Toast Church will start again on September 8th.
The weekly online Monday evening Fellowship group will meet throughout July, and then take a break in August before starting again on September 2nd.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 28th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson.. The service on Sunday, August 4th will be led by Rev David Edmondson, and will include Holy Communion.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 28th will be led by Mrs Paulette Bissell. The service on Sunday, August 4th will be led by Rev David Jackson.
The Church Leadership Team is meeting on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 24th. Do let us know if there is anything you wish us to discuss.
Praise on the Prom will happen (weather permitting) on all the Sundays in July and August this year, organised by Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together. Meet at 4:30 at the bottom of the Clare House Railway Bridge. An excellent witness to Grange residents and visitors alike.
Message via u3a: “Westmorland and Furness Council is inviting residents to a drop-in session at the Victoria Hall from 3:00 to 7:00pm on Thursday, July 25th to see and comment on the Local Plan. This will be run by officers from Westmorland and Furness Council.”
The Soroptimists are holding a coffee morning in our hall from 10:00 to 12 noon on Saturday, July 27th. Various stalls including home baking and preserves. Entry £2 includes beverage and biscuits.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: July 25th Pam Dent; August 1st David and Hazel Edmondson.
The National Methodist Youth Brass Band are coming to Cumbria for their summer tour. There are many opportunities to see and hear them. There will be full formal concerts on Monday, August 12th at 7:30 at Carver Uniting Church, Windermere, and on Saturday, August 17th at 7:30 at Ulverston Methodist Church. On Tuesday, August 13th, they are undertaking a “chapel crawl” where members of the band will try to visit 50 or so churches around the county, stopping briefly at each to play a couple of hymns and share in prayer. They are due at Grange around 3:35. Please join us for “Cuppa and Chat” from 3:15. The Cartmel “Coffee and Chat” already planned for Tuesday, August 13th will start at the earlier time of 10:00, as the band are due there around 10:10. All welcome to share fellowship and conversation at either event.
Please send items for this update to me -
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
16 July 2024
The hard copy version of the Churches Together Youth Trust Summer Newsletter will be available in church from this Wednesday (17th).
Thank you to everyone who gave donations for the Food Bank at our First Fruits Harvest. If anyone missed this occasion, Carol Lamb has let us know that there is another opportunity to donate on Sunday 28th July between 1 and 3 pm at the Father Magner Room, St Charles Church. Monetary donations are always welcome if you are unable to shop.
Message from Sue Nicol: “Quiz Night mark 2! The Quiz last Friday evening was very well attended, with 80 people sitting down to work out answers to the varied selection of questions. There was a main course of quiche and salad to prepare them for this, and then strawberries and cream to sustain the brainwork halfway through! It was a great community event, with the competitive spirit providing a lot of fun and laughter - enjoyed by all. A massive ‘thank you’ goes to Tim and Barbara Leader for organising it, with Tim working out the questions and acting as quiz master, and to Glenda and her team who provided the lovely meal. A total of £549.41 was raised for the church building development fund. Thanks to all who came and made it such a successful evening.”
Message from Juliana, the Circuit Administrator: “The circuit will be placing an order for the 2024/2025 prayer handbook and for Methodist Diaries. If you would like to be included in the circuit order please let us know how many copies of each you require. Each church will receive one copy for the pulpit. Further copies of the prayer handbook are £4.50. Methodist Diaries are available in blue or green or as an organiser insert and are £11 each. We need to know by August 1st.”
Please let Hazel know by Sunday, July 28th if you would like to order a prayer handbook and/or a diary, preferably with the appropriate payment, so we send in one order from Grange.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon. Toast Church will start again on September 8th.
The weekly online Monday evening Fellowship group will meet throughout July, and then take a break in August before starting again on September 2nd.
The July joint Holy Communion service will be at St Paul’s church at 10:00am on Wednesday, July 17th. It will be led by Rev Annette Miller.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 21stwill be led by led by Rev Grace Cauldwell. The service on Sunday, July 28th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 21st will be led by Mrs Lesley Thompson. The service on Sunday, July 28th will be led by Mrs Paulette Bissell.
Reminder for Church Council members: There is an extra Church Council meeting in the church hall at 2:00pm on Sunday, July 21st.
The Church Leadership Team is meeting on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 24th. Do let us know if there is anything you wish us to discuss.
Praise on the Prom will happen (weather permitting) on all the Sundays in July and August this year, organised by Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together. Meet at 4:30 at the bottom of the Clare House Railway Bridge. An excellent witness to Grange residents and visitors alike.
The Soroptimists are holding a coffee morning in our hall from 10:00 to 12 noon on Saturday, July 27th. Various stalls including home baking and preserves. Entry £2 includes beverage and biscuits.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: July 18th Rev Kate Hunt, July 25th Pam Dent.
Please send items for this update to me
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
9 July 2024
The Churches Together Youth Trust Summer Newsletter is here. Please remember in your prayers the “Prayer Space” event (first article) which is happening this week.
Message from Sue Nicol: “Our BIG SALE last Saturday raised the very respectable sum of £961.45!! A wonderful result, made possible by the incredible work carried out over the last couple of months by a team of dedicated – and enthusiastic! – people. I’m told there was a good crowd there on Saturday morning, with coffee being served by Liz J in between the shopping for bargains! Then a steady trickle of folk continued through the afternoon. A massive thank you to Fiona and Rod, Ruth B, Glenda, Hilda, Barbara, and Anna - and Su for sorting the music - (and Peter who was there for the first few weeks!). The church is now well ‘sorted out’, with unwanted stuff taken to the tip, a great deal sold, some furniture spoken for and a few things left on tables in the hall for anyone who is still interested. Some of the pews have gone, but there are a lot more available if anyone knows anyone who may be interested. Thanks again to all involved, and to Su L. for the original idea that was taken up by the Fund-Raising Team.”
Message from Paul Rand: “We had a fabulous day washing cars on the Manse driveway on Saturday. I don't know how many we washed, but we had lots of great helpers, young and not so young and raised £389 for the Development Fund. Thank you to everyone who brought their car to be washed. I hope they still looked clean once they'd dried!”
Message from Cumbria District: Cumbria District Celebration event – a final reminder that this is taking place on Sunday 14th July at Penrith Methodist Church. Meeting at 3.30 pm for a time of remembering and sharing with a service of celebration at 6 pm.
Message from Claire and Jean: “Everyone is welcome to join Cartmel Quakers for half an hour of silence focusing on the many conflicts around the world. The next meeting will be on Friday 12th July, starting at 10:30 am, and followed by tea and coffee.”
Message from Carol Lamb re Gifts for Food Bank at First Fruits Harvest: “Penny Ward has sent out a message that ALL supplies are very low at the moment and demand will increase as the school holidays begin later in the month. If anyone is away next Sunday there is another opportunity to donate on Sunday 28th July between 1 and 3 pm at the Father Magna Room, St Charles Church. Monetary donations are always welcome if you are unable to shop.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term-time Sundays; Sunday 14th brings the last meeting before the summer break, starting again on September 8th. Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The July Lunch and pray is on Wednesday, July 10th. Stay on after the coffee morning, or come specially for this. We share a simple lunch from 12:00 and a relaxed time of prayer from 1:00 to 1:30.
The next event for the Redevelopment Fund is a Quiz Evening with Supper on Friday, July 12th starting at 6:00pm. A few tickets (£10) still available – contact Pam Brook (34241) or Barbara Leader (33270).
Message from Glenda Clark: “Please, if you are able to offer help with serving food and clearing tables at the Table Quiz on Friday night, it would be much appreciated . Please ring me on 32386 - many thanks.”
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 14th will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley and will be our First Fruits Harvest service – see July/August Mustard Seed and message above from Carol for details. The service on Sunday, July 21st will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 14th will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion. The service on Sunday, July 21st will be led by Mrs Lesley Thompson.
The July joint Holy Communion service will be at St Paul’s church at 10:00am on Wednesday, July 17th. It will be led by Rev Annette Miller.
Praise on the Prom will happen (weather permitting) on all the Sundays in July and August this year. Meet at 4:30 at the bottom of the Clare House Railway Bridge. Around 25 people came to the first one.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: July 11th Rev Martyn Coe; July 18th Rev Kate Hunt.
Please send items for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
2 July 2024
Please find here the July and August edition of the Mustard Seed.
Message from Zelma Hallatt 25-06-24:: “Hazel, would you please pass on my thanks to everyone who was involved with the 150th Celebrations at the weekend. It was a very happy occasion and everyone enjoyed it. Special thanks to all in the kitchen. They did an amazing job.”
Message from Liz Jackson: “Can you help by providing something for our produce stall on July 3rd? Produce going spare in your garden or can you make or bake something? Thanks in anticipation.”
Message from Peter Nicol: “Many thanks to all who have said prayers, sent good wishes and cards and even visited following my hip replacement operation. I am making good progress and hope to be able to get to church soon.”
Message from Paul Rand: “Toast Church are doing another car wash fundraiser for the building project. Cars will be washed on the Manse driveway on Saturday 6th July. If you want to bring your car for a wash, you need to book a slot so that we don't clog up Fernleigh Road. There is a sign-up sheet at the back of church which will also be out at coffee morning. There is space for two cars at a time, so do fill the right hand pair of columns if the first slot is already filled for the time you want to come.”
Message from Claire and Jean: “Everyone is welcome to join Cartmel Quakers for half an hour of silence focusing on the many conflicts around the world. The next meeting will be on Friday 12th July, starting at 10:30 am, and followed by tea and coffee.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term-time Sundays; Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Please pray for the Year 6 pupils (10 and 11 year olds) from our local primary schools as they attend the Transition Day at St Paul’s on Thursday, July 4th, helping them prepare spiritually for secondary school.
The Repair Café will be open from 6-8pm on Friday, July 5th. This will be the last before the summer break, so do think whether you have any items in need of repair and bring them along. Please let Hazel know if you could offer to make any cake.
The next ecumenical Men’s breakfast will be on Saturday, July 6th. Please meet from 8:30am to share a simple breakfast, conversation and time for prayer. Please note this will be in the church this month.
Our fundraising continues in July with the Big Sale on Saturday, July 6th when we’re having a sale of items large and small (including the pews and the pulpit!) before the building work begins – come between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to browse and buy. There will be some tables available to rent at £15 if you wish to sell your own goods – book by July 3rd with Sue Nicol on 015395 31044.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, July 7th will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will include Holy Communion. It will mark the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of women by the Methodist Church. The service on Sunday, July 14th will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley and will be our First Fruits Harvest service – see Mustard Seed for details.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 7th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson. The service on Sunday, July 14th will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will include Holy Communion.
The next fund raising event for the Redevelopment Fund is a Quiz Evening with Supper on Friday, July 12th. Tickets are £10 and are on sale from Pam Brook (34241) and Barbara Leader (33270)
Praise on the Prom will happen (weather permitting) on all the Sundays in July and August this year. Meet at 4:30 at the bottom of the Clare House Railway Bridge. Because of this, please note that there are no evening services or Songs of Praise gatherings at Grange in July or August.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: July 4th Geoff Chetwood; July 11th Rev Martyn Coe. Please note that the gathering on the 4th will be in the church, as the hall is in use as a polling station.
Please send items for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
25 June 2024
Message from Jo: “I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who contributed in any way towards the anniversary celebrations, whether that's in organising beforehand, doing things at the various events, or simply getting there to be part of it all. I can't even begin to list names, or the ways people have contributed, but it was a wonderful weekend that I'm sure will be remembered for many years!”
Message from Liz Jackson: “What a great team effort for our anniversary weekend with everyone pulling together to create a great atmosphere enjoyed by all. Can you help again by providing something for our produce stall on July 3rd? Produce going spare in your garden or can you make or bake something. Thanks in anticipation.”
Message from Paul Rand: Toast Church are doing another car wash fundraiser for the building project. Cars will be washed on the Manse driveway on Saturday 6th July. If you want to bring your car for a wash, you need to book a slot so that we don't clog up Fernleigh Road. There is a sign-up sheet at the back of church which may also be out at coffee morning. There is space for two cars at a time, so do fill the right hand pair of columns if the first slot is already filled for the time you want to come.
Message from Claire and Jean: “Everyone is welcome to join Cartmel Quakers for half an hour of silence focusing on the many conflicts around the world. The next meeting will be on Friday 12th July, starting at 10:30 am, and followed by tea and coffee.”
Message from Circuit Information sheet: “Welcome and Prayer Team at Hawkshead: Would you like to join the team? We have a rota of folk who spend time in the chapel at Hawkshead from 10am each Wednesday, welcoming visitors and praying in the building. We’d love more folk willing to give some time, around once per month, it’s a lovely peaceful space, where you can pray, or craft, as you welcome visitors. please get in touch with Grace if you’d like to volunteer.”
Reminder from Glenda Clark: “Praise on the Lake, with Preston Salvation Army Band & Choir, Sunday 30th June .Sailing from Lakeside, BOARDING FROM 6-30 p.m. Tickets price £10 are available from me.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term-time Sundays; Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 30th will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell and will be the fourth and last in the Bible Month series on Genesis, which covers chapters 37-50. That evening there is an ecumenical “Songs of Praise” at St Paul’s at 6:00 p.m. It would be good to see folk from our church there. The service on Sunday, July 7th will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will mark the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of women by the Methodist Church.
Cartmel: Please note that there will be no service at Cartmel on June 30th as it is a race day which makes access virtually impossible. The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 7th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson
Our fundraising continues in July with the Big Sale on Saturday, July 6th when we’re having a sale of items large and small (including the pews and the pulpit!) before the building work begins – come between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to browse and buy. There will be some tables available to rent at £15 if you wish to sell your own goods – book by July 3rd with Sue Nicol on 015395 31044.
Then the next fund raising event for the Redevelopment Fund is a Quiz Evening with Supper on Friday, July 12th. Tickets are £10 and are on sale from Pam Brook (34241) and Barbara Leader (33270)
Praise on the Prom will happen (weather permitting) on all the Sundays in July and August this year. Meet at 4:30 at the bottom of the Clare House Railway Bridge.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: June 27th Rev Kate Hunt; July 4th Geoff Chetwood
The deadline for the next Mustard Seed, which covers both July and August and will be issued on July 2nd, is Sunday, June 30th. Please send items for it or for this update to me
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
18 June 2024
Please click here for the minutes of the General Church meeting which was held on Sunday.
Thanks to all who helped to ensure that the community-led Hustings took place on Monday. Especial thanks to Paul for all the technical help on the night and which enabled the event to be streamed. We hope that the recording will remain on our YouTube page until the campaign is over – do have a watch. The link is here – the actual start of the event is about 7 minutes in.
Message from Jo: “We've received the news that Margaret MacBeath died last Wednesday. Margaret was very active in the church community when she was able. She and Alan moved into Kendal Care Home some years ago, but after Alan died Margaret moved to a care home in Cockermouth. Ruth, Hilda and Glenda were able to visit her there just a couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure we are likely to be able to share any details of her funeral, but please do remember all who knew and loved her in your prayers.”
Message from Glenda Clark: “Praise on the Lake, with Preston Salvation Army Band & Choir, Sunday 30th June. Sailing from Lakeside, BOARDING FROM 6-30 p.m. Tickets price £10 are available from me.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term-time Sundays (but no Toast Church on June 23rd); Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The joint Holy Communion service for June with our friends from St Paul’s will be at our church at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 19th. It will be led by Rev Jo Rand.
Saturday, June 22nd brings the start of our 150th Anniversary celebration weekend. The hall will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with displays showcasing both what we offer the community and the work of many of our user community groups. Light refreshments will be available. Copies are available at church of the programme of demonstrations to be given by some of the user groups in the church. That evening brings a concert in the church starting at 7:00 p.m. with a variety of items demonstrating the talents we have within our congregation. All events are free admission; donations will be welcome for the Redevelopment Fund. Do invite friends and neighbours to share in our celebration.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 23rd is our 150th Anniversary celebration service, led by Rev Dr Richard Teal and Rev Jo Rand. This will be suitable for all ages; Toast church will not meet at 9:00 a.m. that day but will join us for the celebration service. This will be followed by the church family lunch at 12:45 p.m. for those who are booked in.
The service at Grange on June 30th will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell and will be the fourth and last in the Bible Month series on Genesis, which covers chapters 37-50. That evening there is an ecumenical “Songs of Praise” at St Paul’s at 6:00 p.m. It would be good to see folk from our church there.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 23rd will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell and will be the fourth and last in the Bible Month series on Genesis. Please note that there will be no service at Cartmel on June 30th as it is a race day which makes access virtually impossible.
Our fundraising continues in July with the Big Sale on Saturday, July 6th when we’re having a sale of items large and small (including the pews and the pulpit!) before the building work begins – come between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to browse and buy. There will be some tables available to rent at £15 if you wish to sell your own goods – book by July 3rd with Sue Nicol on 015395 31044.
Then the next fund raising event for the Redevelopment Fund is a Quiz Evening with Supper on Friday, July 12th. Tickets are £10 and are on sale from Pam Brook (34241) and Barbara Leader (33270)
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: June 20th David and Hazel Edmondson; June 27th Rev Kate Hunt.
The deadline for the next Mustard Seed, which covers both July and August and will be issued on July 2nd, is Sunday, June 30th. Please send items for it or for this update to me
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
11 June 2024
Please remember that our General Church meeting is at 1:00 p.m. this Sunday, June 16th. Bring a packed lunch to eat in the hall after the morning service – hot drinks will be provided, or go home and come back. Please send any apologies to me (Hazel – contact details below).
News from the Grants Team: ”We are delighted to let you know that "Open for Community" has just been awarded a grant of £20,000 by the Congregational and General Charitable Trust. This is really exciting because it brings the overall fundraising total (which includes £150,000 in interest-free loans) to over £890,000 - so we have hit the target figure we have been working towards for the past 3 years!! Targets will of course change as we find out more about the actual cost of the project, and we must also continue fundraising to repay the loans, but for now it feels like a real milestone moment. Thanks for all your support and encouragement along the way. Su and Barbara"
Our church is hosting a hustings event on Monday, 17th June, starting at 7:30 pm and finishing at 9:00pm. We are expecting at least three of the candidates to attend, hopefully more. All welcome: if you would like to suggest a question for the candidates, please come 10 minutes early and hand in your question at the door. We will pick four or five questions on a range of the most chosen topics to put to the candidates. If anybody would be happy to help steward the event, please contact David or Hazel.
Remember that to vote in the election on July 4th, you must be registered to vote. If you are not on the electoral roll, this needs to be done by June 18th. You must also take acceptable photo ID with you to the polling station on polling day. The list includes passport, driving licence, blue badge, older persons bus pass and disabled person’s bus pass. If you do not have any of these, you can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. The deadline to do that for this election is Wednesday, June 26th. Please talk to Hazel if you need further advice on this, or help with accessing the websites.
Thanks to all who supported the Jazz Concert on Saturday given by the Estuary Band. An enjoyable evening raised £293-25 (including Gift Aid) for the Building Redevelopment Fund.
Reminder: This month in Sunday worship we are working on the Bible Month material in Genesis. Please consider reading a section before each Sunday if you’re able. Here is how we’re dividing it up:
16th June: Genesis 25-36 (23rd June:150th Anniversary) 30th June: Genesis 37-50
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term-time Sundays; Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The June Lunch and Pray will be from 12:00 on Wednesday, June 12th. Stay after the coffee morning or come specially to share a bread and cheese lunch together, then a time of informal prayer from 1:00, led this month by Rev Sue Nicol.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 16th will be led by members of the congregation and will be the third in the Bible Month series on Genesis. The service on June 23rd is our 150th Anniversary celebration service, led by Rev Dr Richard Teal and Rev Jo Rand. This will be suitable for all ages; Toast church will not meet at 9:00 a.m. that day but will join us for the celebration service. This will be followed by the church family lunch at 12:45 p.m. for those who are booked in.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 16th will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will be the third in the Bible Month series on Genesis. The service will also include Holy Communion. The service on June 23rd will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell.
The joint Holy Communion service for June with our friends from St Paul’s will be at our church at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 19th. It will be led by Rev Jo Rand.
Saturday, June 22nd brings the start of our 150th Anniversary celebration weekend. The hall will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with displays showcasing what we offer the community and the work of many of our user community groups. Light refreshments will be available. Click here for the programme of demonstrations to be given by some of the user groups in the church. That evening brings a concert in the church starting at 7:00 p.m. with a variety of items demonstrating the talents we have within our congregation. All events are free admission; donations will be welcome for the Redevelopment Fund.
Message from Glenda re Celebration Weekend June 22nd / 23rd:
“I am sure that we are all looking forward to this special weekend, when on the Saturday we will welcome visitors from the community all day. We intend to serve free tea & coffee to our visitors between 10am and 4pm. Some folk have volunteered to provide this service to the Community for slots of one and half hours between those times. So men or women will you please consider if you can give some of your time on that day? If you can it will really share the work between us.
Sunday: We are expecting a group from Thornleigh to share Morning Worship with us. So if you can help serve and clear away after coffee that would help us. Or if you can help to serve and clear tables at lunchtime that would be a great help also. If you can help, please ring me on 32386. Thank you - Glenda.”
A forthcoming fund raising event for the Redevelopment Fund is a Quiz Evening with Supper on Friday, July 12th. Tickets are £10 and are on sale from Pam Brook (34241) and Barbara Leader (33270)
Invitation from St Paul’s: All are welcome to “Woven Wind”, a talk and demonstration of painting on silk by Margaret Wilmot at 2:00pm on Monday, June 17th. Tea and scones will be served.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: June 13th Rev Lis Mullen, June 20th David and Hazel Edmondson.
Please send items for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
4 June 2024
Please contact Hazel for the calling notice and agenda for our General Church meeting, which is at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 16th, and the minutes of the previous meeting on November 5th, 2023.
Reminder: This month in Sunday worship we are working on the Bible Month material in Genesis. Please consider reading a section before each Sunday if you’re able. Here is how we’re dividing it up:
9th June: Genesis 12-25 16th June: Genesis 25-36
(23rd June:150th Anniversary) 30th June: Genesis 37-50
Message from Liz Jackson: “Please support Sue, who’s managing the produce stall on Wednesday June 5th, by baking, making and spending. Produce in the gardens is beginning to flourish at this time of year so maybe something can be brought along for sale. We usually make about £160 so it’s an excellent contribution to our building fund. Many thanks from Liz”
Message from Sue Nicol: Anniversary Lunch 23rd June at 12.45pm.
A reminder to reply by Sunday 9th June to your invitation to this event if you haven’t already done so, so that we can organise the catering. Please let Glenda Clark or Sue Nicol know whether you can come or not. Thank you! Sue: email or tel 015395 31044; Glenda: Tel 015395 32386
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term-time Sundays; Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The monthly in person Bible study will be at the home of David and Hazel Edmondson (details below) at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 5th. All welcome.
The Repair Café will be open from 6-8pm on Friday, June 7th. There will be the usual repairers there for textiles, wood, mechanicals and electricals, and the bike repairer will be there too. Offers of cake to Hazel please, if you have any to spare after baking for the produce stall.
South Lakes Dementia Community are holding a coffee and advice morning in our church hall from 10-12 on Saturday, June 8th. Come to learn more about dementia and the services available in our area.
The Estuary Band are giving a Jazz Concert in our hall from 7-9pm on Saturday, June 8th. Foot-tapping music with light refreshments on sale. No tickets; donations welcome for the Development Fund.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 9th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson and will be the second in the Bible Month series on Genesis. The third will be on June 16th, led by members of the congregation.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 9th will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley and will be the second in the Bible Month series on Genesis. The third will be on June 16th, led by Rev Jo Rand.
The monthly “Coffee and Chat” will be at Cartmel Methodist Church from 10:30 to 12 noon on Tuesday, June 11th. All welcome for refreshments and conversation.
Some of our Baby Group Mums are taking part in a Sponsored Walk down the Prom on Tuesday, June 11th at 11:30, raising funds for Barnardo’s. See poster and sponsor form in the church hall.
That morning there is also a concert at St Paul’s at 11:00 am, given by flautist David Edmonds. Admission free with a retiring collection. Refreshments available from 10:30.
The June Lunch and Pray will be from 12:00 on Wednesday, June 12th. Stay after the coffee morning or come specially to share a bread and cheese lunch together, then a time of informal prayer from 1:00, led this month by Rev Sue Nicol.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: June 6th Rev Martyn Coe; June 13th Rev Lis Mullen.
Please send items for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
28 May 2024
The June edition of the Mustard Seed is here.
Message from Jo: “This Sunday we begin Bible Month, which is working through Genesis this year. It’s a good old story, and well worth a read. At 50 chapters long, we’re not going to be covering every verse on Sundays! I’d highly recommend reading along, before each Sunday if you’re able.
Here is how we’re dividing it up: 2nd June: Genesis 1-11
9th June: Genesis 12-25 16th June: Genesis 25-36
(23rd June:150th Anniversary) 30th June: Genesis 37-50
(Yes, chapter 25 is included twice – I think the resources break at the death of Abraham, which is inconveniently in the middle of the chapter!)”
Message from Liz Jackson: “Please support Sue, who’s managing the produce stall on Wednesday June 5th, by baking, making and spending. Produce in the gardens is beginning to flourish at this time of year so maybe something can be brought along for sale. We usually make about £160 so it’s an excellent contribution to our building fund. Many thanks from Liz”
Message from Judith Sharples: “Thank you to the people who took the service on Sunday morning enlightening us about the work of Methodist World Mission on justice and freedom in a marginalised world. We heard about their work in Tanzania with the disabled and about the needs of Colombian migrants for food, water, shelter and a living, and much more. Thank you, Judith Sharples”.
If anyone would still like to give to the World Mission Fund, inspired by last week's service, there will be a basket out for donations this Sunday, and an opportunity to give via the CollecTin card reader, or give directly here; or speak with Judith Sharples about having a missions collection box to put loose change in regularly.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term-time Sundays; Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon
The next Companionship Café run by Home Instead will be in our hall from 1:30 to 3:00 on Thursday, May 30th. Come for conversation and a free hot drink and scone.
The Churches Together Men’s breakfast will be in our church hall from 8:30 on Saturday, June 1st. All men welcome for a simple breakfast, conversation and prayer. St. Paul’s Church are holding a Summer Fair from 10:00 to 1:00 that morning. Admission Free. Bacon butties, raffle and tombola and a variety of stalls.
Sunday services:
Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 2nd will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will be the first in the Bible Month series on Genesis, and will also include Holy Communion. There will be a “Stillness and Song” Taizé-style service at 6:00 p.m., led by local musicians. The service on June 9th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson and will be the second in the Bible Month series on Genesis.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, June 2nd will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will be the first in the Bible Month series on Genesis. The service on June 9th will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley and will be the second in the Bible Month series on Genesis.
Boarbank Hall are holding a Garden and Book Sale from 11:15 to 15:00 on Sunday, June 2nd. High Quality Flowers and Shrubs, Range of Fiction and Non- Fiction Books.
South Lakes Dementia Community are holding a coffee and advice morning in our church hall from 10-12 on Saturday, June 8th. Come to learn more about dementia and the services available in our area.
The Estuary Band are giving a Jazz Concert in our hall from 7-9pm on Saturday, June 8th. Foot-tapping music with light refreshments on sale. No tickets; donations welcome for the Development Fund.
Some of our Baby Group Mums are taking part in a Sponsored Walk down the Prom on Tuesday, June 11th at 11:30, raising funds for Barnardo’s. See poster in the church hall. That morning there is also a concert at St Paul’s at 11:00 am, given by flautist David Edmonds. Admission free with a retiring collection.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: May 30th Clifford Parker; June 6th Rev Martyn Coe.
Please send items for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
21 May 2024
There will be a collection plate out this Sunday, May 26th for donations towards a gift for James Tebbutt, who comes to the end of his five years as Chair of the Cumbria District this summer when Cumbria becomes part of the larger North West England District, of which James will be the Chair from September. The gift will be presented at a celebration service marking the end of the Cumbria District in Penrith on July 14th (more details to follow), but donations need to be in by the end of this month. We didn’t put a plate out last week, as James himself was with us, so if you wish to give, please do so this Sunday.
Message from Peter Mallinson: “Please would you pass on my thanks to Church members for the lovely flowers Jo brought to me on Sunday, these were for the occasion of what would have been the 70th Wedding Anniversary for Nancy and I. We were married on 19th April 1954, which that year was Easter Monday. God's Blessing.”
Message from Carol Lamb: “The next Foodbank collection will take place in Grange on Sunday 26th May at St Charles Church between 1-3pm. As usual collection boxes will be in the school room and church porch for any donations. Items needed: Tinned meat, soup and vegetables, UHT milk, Long-life fruit juices, Coffee, Tea, Tinned Rice and Steamed puddings, Jam, Toiletries. The green collection box for any cash donations will be on the table at the back of church. Thank you for your continued support, Carol”
Message from Judith Sharples: “I have a lot of CDs of services at Grange Methodist Church pre-covid. As they are no longer required would anyone be interested in having them before they are disposed of.”
Message from Claire and Jean: “Dear friends, Everyone is welcome to join Cartmel Quakers for a silent meeting for peace next Friday 24th May at 10:30 am, followed by refreshments and a chance to talk.”
From the district mailing: “District Testimony Service - this is taking place on Saturday 25th May at 3pm at Stricklandgate Methodist Church, Kendal (LA9 4QJ). This is an opportunity to hear from the Revd Tiras Dainty-Share from the Kendal Circuit and to show our support for him ahead of his ordination in June. The preacher will be the Revd Andrew Norman.” David and Hazel plan to go.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term-time Sundays; no Toast Church this Sunday (May 26th) as it’s half term. Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 26th will be the Easter Offering service, led by members of the congregation. The service on June 2nd will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will be the first in the Bible Month series on Genesis, and will also include Holy Communion. That evening there will be a “Stillness and Song” Taizé-style service at 6:00 p.m., led by local musicians.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 26th will be led by Mrs Joy Campton. The service on June 2nd will be led by Rev David Edmondson and will be the first in the Bible Month series on Genesis.
The next Companionship Café run by Home Instead will be in our hall from 1:30 to 3:00 on Thursday, May 30th. Come for conversation and a free hot drink and scone.
The Churches Together Men’s breakfast will be in our church hall from 8:30 on Saturday, June 1st. All men welcome for a simple breakfast, conversation and prayer.
St. Paul’s Church are holding a Summer Fair from 10:00 to 1:00 on Saturday, June 1st. Admission Free. Sue’s Café with bacon butties, raffle and tombola and a variety of stalls.
Boarbank Hall are holding a Garden and Book Sale from 11:15 to 15:00 on Sunday, June 2nd. High Quality Flowers and Shrubs, Range of Fiction and Non- Fiction Books.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: May 23rd David and Hazel Edmondson; May 30th Clifford Parker.
The deadline for the June edition of the Mustard Seed is this Sunday, May 26th. Please send items for it or for this update to me
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
14 May 2024
Message from Sue and Peter Nicol: “Open Garden Days at Hollin Head Wood
A massive 'thank you' to everyone who contributed in any way to the success of the Open Garden weekend - those who made cakes and sold them, served refreshments, looked after the book and card stall, welcomed visitors, made donations and organised car-parking, and whatever else! Special thanks to those who managed the kitchen when I was not really quite up to it after being ill!
Everyone worked together to make it a very happy occasion for the many visitors, and the result is an amazing £960.09!! which includes the CollecTin takings and Gift Aid. The weather and the rhododendrons excelled themselves, which of course was beyond our control but went towards making it a real success, and we give thanks for that, and for the many blessings that were flying about through meetings and conversations that took place with people from other walks of life. The rain kept off until all was cleared up - the shelter came down in the dry, and the notices were retrieved from the lane just in time!”
And our thanks to Sue and Peter for opening up their wonderful gardens to us all, and for all the hard work throughout the year to keep the gardens looking that good!
Message from Carol Lamb: “The next Foodbank collection will take place in Grange on Sunday 26th May at St Charles Church between 1-3pm. As usual collection boxes will be in the school room and church porch for any donations. The green collection box for any cash donations will be on the table at the back of church. Thank you for your continued support, Carol”
Remember this is Christian Aid week, which runs from 12-18 May. This year the focus is on Burundi – situated in the north-west corner of Tanzania and bordering Rwanda. See May’s Mustard Seed for full details. The hatch takings from the coffee morning on Wednesday, May 15th will be given to Christian Aid. The card reader will be available for card donations. Then on Friday, May 17th, please support the Youth Concert at 7:00 p.m. in Grange Methodist Church. This is a fantastic opportunity to be entertained by talented young people who have dedicated their time and talent to raise money for Christian Aid, ably directed by Mick and Jean Malkin. Entrance is free, donations in cash or by card at the concert. There will also be a chance to focus on and contribute to Christian Aid at the worship, followed by refreshments, at the United Reformed Church at 10:30 on Thursday, May 16th. This will be led by Rev Kate Hunt.
This year’s Christian Aid film, which lasts three and a half minutes, can be viewed here.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The May joint midweek Communion service will be at St Paul’s at 10:00 on Wednesday, May 15th.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 19th will be led by Rev James Tebbutt and will include Holy Communion. The service on May 26th will be the Easter Offering service, led by members of the congregation.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 19th will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell. The service on May 26th will be led by Mrs Joy Campton.
The next Companionship Café run by Home Instead will be in our hall from 1:30 to 3:00 on Thursday, May 30th. Come for conversation and a free hot drink and scone.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: May 16th Rev Kate Hunt, May 23rd David and Hazel Edmondson.
All are invited to the Pentecost Garden Party organised by Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together to bless our community as we celebrate the birthday of the church. It’s on St Charles field (or in our hall if it’s wet) on Sunday, May 19th. Bring your own picnic to have from 1:00 (hot drinks will be available), then from 2:00 Ulverston Town Band will be playing. At 3:00 the band will lead the music for a short service together. All ages welcome - there will be a bouncy castle and various games and activities.
Date for your diaries: The Estuary Band have kindly offered to put on a Jazz Concert – “foot tapping music to dance to” - in aid of our redevelopment fund. In our church hall from 7-9pm on Saturday, June 8th.
Please send items for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
7 May 2024
Please find attached a press release about the salt dough figures exhibition now at Hawkshead. Anyone who can offer to spend some time at the exhibition and welcome visitors, please contact Dare Holland on 01539441594 or email)
Do remember to come to the Open Gardens weekend at Hollin Head Wood, Canny Hill, Newby Bridge LA12 8NT. Tel: 015395 31044. Opening times are Saturday 11th May 10.30am – 4pm & Sunday 12th May 12.30pm – 4pm. There will be a cake stall, all contributions welcome. Directions: By car, from the A590 travelling west, go straight on at the Newby Bridge roundabout and after 200yards take the first left up Canny Hill lane. Turn down the third drive on the left where there is a list of house names on a stone gatepost. 100 yards further on bear right into our drive. Park on the lower part of the drive, to the left. There will be signs at strategic points! By Bus, on Saturday, take the X6 from Grange Station, towards Ulverston and Barrow. It leaves on the half hour. Go as far as Newby Bridge, the bus stops in the lay-by outside the Newby Bridge Hotel. Walk back the way you have come and turn right up Canny Hill lane, then as above. Approximately a quarter of a mile to walk, with a small steep section up the lane. Bus returns on the hour from Newby Bridge. On Sunday afternoon the X6 leaves Grange Station at 12.59 and 14.59. Return is from Newby Bridge at 14.26 or 16.26
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon. The May Lunch and pray will be from 12:00 on Wednesday, May 8th. Stay after the coffee morning or come specially to share a bread and cheese lunch together, then a time of informal prayer from 1:00, led this month by Jo Rand.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 12th will be led by Rev Hayley Edmondson. The service on May 19th will be led by Rev James Tebbutt and will include Holy Communion. Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 12th will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will include Holy Communion. The service on May 19th will be led by Rev Grace Cauldwell.
Christian Aid week this year, which runs from 12-18 May, has a focus on Burundi – situated in the north-west corner of Tanzania and bordering Rwanda. See May’s Mustard Seed for full details. There will be a plate for donations at the Sunday service on May 12th. The hatch takings from the coffee morning on Wednesday, May 15th will be given to Christian Aid. The card reader will be available for card donations on both these occasions. Then on Friday, May 17th, by please support the Youth Concert at 7:00 p.m. in Grange Methodist Church. This is a fantastic opportunity to be entertained by talented young people who have dedicated their time and talent to raise money for Christian Aid, ably directed by Mick and Jean Malkin. Entrance is free, donations in cash or by card at the concert. This year’s Christian Aid film, which lasts three and a half minutes, can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtieJPH39m0
The first of this summer’s “Coffee and Chat” gatherings at Cartmel Methodist Church will be from 10:30 to 12:00 on Tuesday, May 14th. All welcome at the “Chapel by the River” for refreshments and conversation.
The joint communion for May will be at St Paul’s church at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 15th.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: May 9th Geoff Chetwood, May 16th Rev Kate Hunt.
All are invited to the Pentecost Garden Party organised by Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together to bless our community as we celebrate the birthday of the church. It’s on St Charles field (or in our hall if it’s wet) on Sunday, May 19th. Bring your own picnic to have from 1:00 (hot drinks will be available), then from 2:00 Ulverston Town Band will be playing. At 3:00 the band will lead the music for a short service together. All ages welcome - there will be a bouncy castle and various games and activities.
Please send items for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
30 April 2024
Lots of attachments this week! First, there’s the May edition of the Mustard Seed.
Also attached are two resources to inform our prayer. In the time between Ascension and Pentecost (May 9th – May 19th this year), we are called to join the global ecumenical prayer movement “Thy Kingdom Come”, using the attached prompt sheet. Also, the Cumbria Methodist District has strong links with the Methodist Church in Argentina, and Ruth Briddock has sent the attached prayer diary for 2024 that was available at Synod on Saturday. Both sheets will also be on the prayer board in the hall.
Finally, the June-August preaching plan is here, which has a letter from Grace Cauldwell with it, and a poster about the Circuit service in August.
Message from Liz Jackson: “Can you produce something for our produce stall on Wednesday May 1st?
Gardening, baking or making jams or chutney might not be your thing. But could you contribute cash to help pay for the eggs we sell? This would increase our profits and help to bring our new building nearer to completion. Everyone can help, it’s proving a great team effort.”
This is the last call for recipes to go into the recipe book that is being produced as a fundraiser and to coincide with our anniversary weekend. Do let Pam have your recipes by Sunday (May 5th).
Do remember to come to the Open Gardens weekend at Hollin Head Wood, Canny Hill, Newby Bridge LA12 8NT. Tel: 015395 31044. Opening times are Saturday 11th May 10.30am – 4pm & Sunday 12th May 12.30pm – 4pm. Look out for the list out at the back of church asking for helpers – welcoming visitors, making and serving coffee and tea etc. If you can spare a couple of hours on the Saturday (morning or afternoon) or Sunday (afternoon) please could you sign up. There will be a cake stall, all contributions welcome.
Directions: By car, from the A590 travelling west, go straight on at the Newby Bridge roundabout and after 200 yards take the first left up Canny Hill lane. Turn down the third drive on the left where there is a list of house names on a stone gatepost. 100 yards further on bear right into our drive. Park on the lower part of the drive, to the left. There will be signs at strategic points!
By Bus, on Saturday, take the X6 from Grange Station, towards Ulverston and Barrow. It leaves on the half hour. Go as far as Newby Bridge, the bus stops in the lay-by outside the Newby Bridge Hotel. Walk back the way you have come and turn right up Canny Hill lane, then as above. Approximately a quarter of a mile to walk, with a small steep section up the lane. Bus returns on the hour from Newby Bridge. On Sunday afternoon the X6 leaves Grange Station at 12.59 and 14.59. Return is from Newby Bridge at 14.26 or 16.26
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The Bible Study at David and Hazel’s (contact details below) is at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1st.
The Repair café will be open from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Friday, May 3rd. Bring any items in need of repair and the volunteer repairers will see what can be done. Please let Hazel know if you could offer some cake.
There is a foundation level safeguarding training session in the church hall from 10:30 to 12:30 on Saturday, May 4th. Contact David Edmondson (details below) for more details.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 5th will be led by Rev Jo Rand, and at 6:00 p.m. there will be a reflective service led by David and Hazel Edmondson. The service on May 12th will be led by Rev Hayley Edmondson.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 5th will be led by Rev David Edmondson. The service on May12th will be led by Rev David Edmondson.
The May Lunch and pray will be from 12:00 on Wednesday, May 8th. Stay after the coffee morning or come specially to share a bread and cheese lunch together, then a time of informal prayer from 1:00, led this month by Jo Rand.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: May 2nd Rev Lis Mullen (in the URC church, as the URC hall is used as a Polling Station); May 9th Geoff Chetwood.
All are invited to the Pentecost Garden Party organised by Cartmel Peninsula Churches Together to bless our community as we celebrate the birthday of the church. It’s on St Charles field (or in our hall if it’s wet) on Sunday, May 19th. Bring your own picnic to have from 1:00 (hot drinks will be available), then from 2:00 Ulverston Town Band will be playing. At 3:00 the band will lead the music for a short service together. All ages welcome - there will be a bouncy castle and various games and activities.
Please send items for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
23 April 2024
This notice was read out in all the churches in the South Lakes circuit on Sunday (21st April):
“At Circuit Meeting on 15th April, we approved a request from Jo Rand to move to a half time appointment from 1st September 2024 in order to give her time to begin doctoral study. This means there will be some changes within the circuit oversight. Jo's primary circuit focus will be pastoral charge of Grange over Sands. From 1st September Grace will have pastoral care of the members at Windermere (already a class of Ambleside where she holds pastoral charge) and pastoral charge of Cartmel, though David will continue to exercise pastoral care and day to day ministry in Cartmel. Jo will be working set hours in her new role. Exact days will be arranged and advertised over the coming few months.”
Each church had been asked to take to that circuit meeting a display showing what they did missionally and for the community. The display for Grange and Cartmel is currently on display at Grange, in the hall for coffee morning and the church on Sunday. Do have a look at what the churches are doing and give thanks.
Message from Liz Jackson: “Can you produce something for our produce stall on Wednesday May 1st?
Gardening, baking or making jams or chutney might not be your thing. But could you contribute cash to help pay for the eggs we sell? This would increase our profits and help to bring our new building nearer to completion. Everyone can help, it’s proving a great team effort.”
Message from Glenda: Egg Boxes for Produce Stall: Our supply of egg boxes has expired, so if you have any spare egg boxes please can you leave them in the Church kitchen for us? We will be grateful for them. The extra large eggs are available for collection at the monthly produce stall, if ordered beforehand with Mrs. Liz Jackson, £2 per half dozen. The next stall is May 1st, any new orders by April 28th, please. Thanks.
Message from Sue Nicol: “Open Gardens weekend: Saturday 11th May 10.30am – 4pm & Sunday 12th May 12.30pm – 4pm. Look out for the list out at the back of church asking for helpers – welcoming visitors, making and serving coffee and tea etc. If you can spare a couple of hours on the Saturday (morning or afternoon) or Sunday (afternoon) please could you sign up. Many thanks, Sue Nicol.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The “Singing the Faith” group meets at Ulverston Methodist Church at 7:00pm on Wednesday, April 24th.
The fund-raising team will meet in the church hall at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 25th. New members and ideas always welcome!
Cartmel Quakers will be holding a Peace Meeting on Friday, April 26th at 10:30; half an hour of silence followed by tea and coffee and time to talk. Everyone is welcome to join us
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 28th will be led by Mrs Joy Campton.
The service on May 5th will be led by Rev Jo Rand, and that evening at 6:00 p.m. there will be a reflective service led by David and Hazel Edmondson.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 28th will be led by Mrs Lesley Thompson. The service on May 5th will be led by Rev David Edmondson.
The Bible Study at David and Hazel’s (contact details below) is at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1st.
The Repair café will be open from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. on Friday, May 3rd. Bring any items in need of repair and the volunteer repairers will see what can be done. Please let Hazel know if you could offer some cake.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: April 25th Rev Martyn Coe, May 2nd Rev Lis Mullen. (Please note that the gathering on May 2nd will be in the URC church, as the URC hall is used as a Polling Station.)
There is a Coffee morning in our church hall by Grange WI from 10-12 on Saturday, April 27th.
From 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. that day there is the Craft De-stash Fair at Allithwaite Community Centre.
The deadline for the May edition of the Mustard Seed is this Sunday, April 28th. Please send items for it or for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
16 April 2024
Message from South Lakes Circuit: “Grace’s Sabbatical: If you're interested in Grace's Sabbatical reflections these are available here or as a beautiful booklet available on request.” There are copies in our church that you can borrow to read this in hard copy.
Message from Glenda: "Egg Boxes for Produce Stall: Our supply of egg boxes has expired, so if you have any spare egg boxes please can you leave them in the Church kitchen for us? We will be grateful for them. The extra large eggs are available for collection at the monthly produce stall, if ordered beforehand with Mrs. Liz Jackson, £2 per half dozen. The next stall is May 1st, any new orders by April 28th, please. Thanks."
Message from Sue Nicol: “Open Gardens weekend: Saturday 11th May 10.30am – 4pm & Sunday 12th May 12.30pm – 4pm. Look out for the list out at the back of church asking for helpers – welcoming visitors, making and serving coffee and tea etc. If you can spare a couple of hours on the Saturday (morning or afternoon) or Sunday (afternoon) please could you sign up. Many thanks, Sue Nicol.”
Message from Judith Sharples: “Would friends who hold Home Mission or World Mission Boxes please let Judith Sharples have them for emptying. If anyone would like to hold a box or make a donation to this important work Judith would be very pleased to see you.”
Message from Ruth Briddock: “On Saturday 27 April from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. there is to be a Craft De-stash Fair at Allithwaite Community Centre. The idea is that anyone looking for a way to ‘de-stash’ their accumulation of craft materials can do so either by taking a stall or donating materials for sale in support of St. Mary’s Hospice. At the end of the Fair, any unsold donations will go to the St. Mary’s Hospice shops. So, question: do you have unwanted craft materials (see below for details) that you would be willing to give? If there is a significant amount offered, the items can be sold on behalf of Grange Methodist Church to raise funds for the church re-development; otherwise, any items collected would be donated for sale in support of St. Mary’s Hospice. Either way, what’s collected will go to a good cause! The list of items sought as donations is: fabrics, yarns, craft tools and equipment, knitting needles, sewing notions, sewing patterns, crochet and knitting patterns, art supplies, paper craft materials, craft storage, haberdashery, jewellery kits, craft books. If you have things to donate please contact Ruth Briddock - email or tel. (015395) 32235. Don’t worry – arrangements can be made to collect. The full details about the Craft De-stash Fair can be found on page 3 of the April edition of Grange Now.”
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term time Sundays, Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
The April joint communion with our friends from St Paul’s will be at our church at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 17th. It will be led by Rev Sue Nicol.
Home Instead South Lakes are running a “Companionship Café” in our church hall from 1:30 to 3:00 on Thursday, April 18th. Free hot drink and scone; detailed flyer available at church.
Remember that the Kitty Brown Fashion Show takes place in church on Friday, 19th April at 7.30pm. All proceeds will go to the development fund.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 21st will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will include Holy Communion. That afternoon there is a “Songs of Praise” in the church at 4:00 p.m. followed by a buffet tea. The service on April 28th will be led by Mrs Joy Campton.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 21st will be led by Rev David Edmondson. The service on April 28th will be led by Mrs Lesley Thompson.
The “Singing the Faith” group meets in the Bedford Room at Ulverston Methodist Church at 7:00pm on Wednesday, April 24th.
There is a Coffee morning in our church hall by Grange WI from 10-12 on Saturday, April 27th
Please send items for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
9 April 2024
The Spring 2024 issue of the Connexion magazine is now available in church; please collect a copy if you wish, and remember to take one for anyone you visit who doesn’t get to church.
Message via Glenda: “We are sorry to share the news that our friend, Mrs. Maggie Bucknell passed away on Tuesday 26th March. Her Funeral will be on Monday 15th April at 12-30 p.m. at Stricklandgate Methodist Church, Kendal. There will be Refreshments in the Church Hall afterwards.“
Message via Glenda from Margaret Popper: “A former member of Grange URC, Carol Edwards has passed away. Her Funeral will be at Grange over Sands URC on Monday 15th April at 12 noon.
Message from Carol Lamb: Tickets for the Kitty Brown Fashion Show are available for £10 from Carol. (07717 217816). It will take place on Friday,19th April at 7.30pm. All proceeds will go to the development fund.
Message from Glenda: Egg Boxes for Produce Stall: Our supply of egg boxes has expired, so if you have any spare egg boxes please can you leave them in the Church kitchen for us? We will be grateful for them. The extra large eggs are available for collection at the monthly produce stall, if ordered beforehand with Mrs. Liz Jackson, £2 per half dozen. The next stall is May 1st, any new orders by April 28th, please. Thanks.
Messages from Sue Nicol: “Hawkshead labyrinth, ‘The Things he Carried.’ This will remain open until the end of the school holidays, so there is still time to visit if you haven’t been already and are in the area.
Open Gardens weekend: Saturday 11th May 10.30am – 4pm & Sunday 12th May 12.30pm – 4pm.
Further to the advert I put in last week’s update for this event, this is to say that I will be putting a list out at the back of church asking for helpers – welcoming visitors, making and serving coffee and tea etc. If you can spare a couple of hours on the Saturday (morning or afternoon) or Sunday (afternoon) please could you sign up. Many thanks, Sue Nicol. PS The rhododendrons are already showing colour, but I have explained to them that they need to be at their best that weekend!”
Message from Judith Sharples: “Would friends who hold Home Mission or World Mission Boxes please let Judith Sharples have them for emptying. If anyone would like to hold a box or make a donation to this important work Judith would be very pleased to see you.”
Message from Ruth Briddock: “On Saturday 27 April from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. there is to be a Craft De-stash Fair at Allithwaite Community Centre. The idea is that anyone looking for a way to ‘de-stash’ their accumulation of craft materials can do so either by taking a stall or donating materials for sale in support of St. Mary’s Hospice. At the end of the Fair, any unsold donations will go to the St. Mary’s Hospice shops. So, question: do you have unwanted craft materials (see below for details) that you would be willing to give? If there is a significant amount offered, the items can be sold on behalf of Grange Methodist Church to raise funds for the church re-development; otherwise, any items collected would be donated for sale in support of St. Mary’s Hospice. Either way, what’s collected will go to a good cause! The list of items sought as donations is: fabrics, yarns, craft tools and equipment, knitting needles, sewing notions, sewing patterns, crochet and knitting patterns, art supplies, paper craft materials, craft storage, haberdashery, jewellery kits, craft books. If you have things to donate please contact Ruth Briddock, tel. (015395) 32235 or email. Don’t worry – arrangements can be made to collect. The full details about the Craft De-stash Fair can be found on page 3 of the April edition of Grange Now.”
Update from Paul: The total to be sent to the Gaza Appeal has increased to £506.31.
The April Lunch and Pray will be on Wednesday, April 10th. Stay after the coffee morning or come specially for this. We share a bread and cheese lunch together (provided by church, no set charge, donations welcome) from 12:00 and then a relaxed time of prayer from 1:00 to 1:30, led by Rev Sue Nicol.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term time Sundays (starting again on April 14th), Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
Sunday services: Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 14th will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley. The service on April 21st will be led by Rev Jo Rand and will include Holy Communion. That afternoon there is a “Songs of Praise” in the church at 4:00 p.m. followed by a buffet tea.
Cartmel: The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 14th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson and will be the Easter Offering service. The service on April 21st will be led by Rev David Edmondson.
The leadership team meets on Tuesday, April 16th. Do let us know if there is anything you want to raise.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: April 11th Clifford Parker; April 18th David and Hazel Edmondson.
There are a lot of events coming up organised by various local organisations, that may be of interest:
Coffee morning in our church hall by Newton and Field Broughton WI from 10-12 on Saturday, April 13th.
Home Instead South Lakes are running a “Companionship Café” in our church hall from 1:30 to 3:00 on Thursday, April 18th. Free hot drink and scone; detailed flyer available at church.
Coffee morning in our church hall by Grange WI from 10-12 on Saturday, April 27th
Please send items for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
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Grange Methodist Church
2 April 2024
Message from Jo: “We now have confirmation that the funeral service for Ron Woodhead will be in church at 2:00 p.m. on Monday. April 8th.”
Message from Glenda: “The family of Ron Woodhead have asked if we can serve the refreshments on Monday which will be provided by Hazelmere. It would be helpful if 3 people could spare the time to come about 12-45 to set the tables, help serve and clear away afterwards; it will probably take until about 4-30.”
Please find here an account of the funeral of Rev Jim Needham. Many thanks to Alan Johnson for sending this through. A copy of the order of service is in the church hall.
The Spring 2024 edition of The Way, the newspaper of the Church in Cumbria, can now be found here.
Message from Carol Lamb: Tickets for the Kitty Brown Fashion Show are available for £10 from Carol. (07717 217816). It will take place on Friday, 19th April at 7.30pm. All proceeds will go to the development fund.
Messages from Sue Nicol: “Hawkshead labyrinth, ‘The Things he Carried.’ This will remain open until the end of the school holidays, so there is still time to visit if you haven’t been already and are in the area.
Open Gardens weekend: Saturday 11th May 10.30am – 4pm & Sunday 12th May 12.30pm – 4pm.
You are invited to visit the home of Sue and Peter Nicol, at Hollin Head Wood, Canny Hill, Newby Bridge LA12 8NT. Refreshments (tea and coffee etc) and cake stall – and hopefully the rhododendrons will be out!
Donations welcome, Card Reader available! Proceeds to Grange Methodist Church Redevelopment Fund”
Thanks for all donations to the Gaza appeal; with Gift Aid where permissible, we will be sending £461-45.
Regular weekly activities at Grange: Toast Church meets at 9:00 a.m. on term time Sundays (starting again on April 14th), Baby group meets from 9:30 on Tuesdays, and the Wednesday community coffee morning is from 10:30 to noon.
There is a Bible Study at the home of David and Hazel Edmondson at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 3rd.
The ecumenical Men’s breakfast will be in our church hall at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 6th. All men welcome to share a simple breakfast, conversation and prayer together.
Sunday services:
Grange: The service at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 7th will be led by Rev David Edmondson. At 6:00 there will be “Stillness and Song”, Taizé-style worship led by local musicians. The service on April 14th will be led by Mr Andrew Lockley.
Cartmel: There will be no service on April 7th, as many people are away. The service at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday, April 14th will be led by Mrs Hazel Edmondson and will be the Easter Offering service.
The church council meets at 7:30 on Tuesday, April 9th and the church leadership team then meets on Tuesday, April 16th. Do let us know if there is anything you want to raise.
All are welcome to share worship and fellowship in the URC hall from 10:30 on Thursday mornings. The speakers will be: April 4th Rev Kate Hunt; April 11th Clifford Parker.
There are a lot of events organised by other churches and local organisations, that may be of interest:
Concert at St Paul’s at 11:00 on Tuesday, April 9th (come at 10:30 for tea/coffee and biscuit). Charles Edmondson piano recital; admission free, donations welcome
Coffee morning in our church hall by Newton and Field Broughton WI from 10-12 on Saturday, April 13th.
Home Instead South Lakes are running a “Companionship Café” in our church hall from 1:30 to 3:00 on Thursday, April 18th. Free hot drink and scone; detailed flyer available at church.
Coffee morning in our church hall by Grange WI from 10-12 on Saturday, April 27th
Message from PEAT (Peninsula Environmental Action Together): “On Saturday, 27th April at Allithwaite Community Centre there will be a Craft Destash Fair from 1-4 p.m. Janet Jackson in conjunction with PEAT is organising an event to sell and buy surplus craft and creative hobby materials. So if you are having a spring clean, or have too many materials, or want some more…. To book a table, or donate, get in touch with Janet - click here “
Please send items for this update to me.
Hazel (36213 or email)
Click here to download a copy of this letter
Earlier editions can be obtained by contacting Hazel Edmondson.
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