Rev. Grace CauldwellWelcome to all!

Revd. Grace Cauldwell has been our Superintendent Minister since September 2022; Grace's letter as she passed the one-year mark with us is here.  Grace has recently returned from a period on sabbatical, and is full of fresh ideas!

Revd. Hayley Edmondson joined the team in September.  Hayley serves in our circuit and South West Cumbria UA, while taking responsibility for the Methodist Churches in Millom, Kirkby and Ulverston.  To watch a recording of the welcome service held on Saturday 2nd September, click here.

Our Circuit newsletter is included on the News page here; if you would like to receive each isssue by email, click here.

Congregational worship is held at all our churches - see individual pages under "Our Churches" for details.  Click for the current preaching plan. Notice the special Circuit service on 18th August - details here and below.

Meanwhile, we continue many of the ways of sharing in worship used during lockdown;  many useful links can be found on the "Thoughts for Sunday" page, which is being updated frequently.

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All We Can and the Methodist Church in Britain are running an emergency appeal in response to events unfolding in Ukraine.  To donate, or for more details click here.

This page will be updated as the situation changes.  If you come here often - which is great - click Refresh in your browser or press the F5 key to ensure you see all the updates.

Ulverston Methodist Church streams most of its 10:30 am services live from the church.  To view the latest live stream, click hereFor recordings of earlier services, see the Ulverston page.

Grange Methodist Church is now streaming its 10:30 am service from the Church on YouTube.  You can see the latest streamed service from Grange here. To find recorded videos of past services, go to the Grange page.

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We are bordered to the west by South West Cumbria Uniting Area and to the east by Kendal Methodist Circuit, which like us are part of the North West England District of the Methodist Church.