Well logo

What do you think are the big issues of our day? What gets you going? What’s good about the world, and what would you like to see changed?

The Well is a different way of being church. Once a month all ages meet together over a simple meal to explore big questions. There are no hymns or sermons - instead there is conversation and the opportunity to do something creative as we explore God's presence in our lives.

We meet 5.30-7.30pm on the Saturday between 13th and 19th of the month, at Grange Methodist Church Hall.

For up to date info follow us on Facebook

Our programme for 2018-19

13th Oct   What do you love about now?
It's easy to be negative or worried about our world today but can we also be optimistic?

17th Nov   Disposable world?
Single use plastic, built in obsolescence, climate change. What can we do?

15th Dec   Christmas: love it or hate it?
Wouldn't it be better just to scrap Christmas?

19th Jan   This time next year...
What does the year ahead hold for us?

16th Feb   Shape of you
Thinking about issues of self worth, body image and the messages in our culture.

16th Mar   Who's welcome here?
Who do we welcome into our country / community / church?

13th Apr   Fake news
Who can we trust when it comes to news and the truth?

18th May   Education: what's it for?
What should we strive for - knowledge or wisdom? Recall of facts or learning to learn?

15th Jun   Choosing the peaceful life
Thinking about conflict: is choosing the peaceful life an easy route or an act of defiance?

*20th Jul* (please note change of date!)   When the church gets it wrong
My problem with the church is that it...

17th August - no meeting

Further information coming soon...