Dear Friends,

You will be aware that we are working on the merging of our 8 Circuits into one for 1st September 2025. We have an Implementation Group who are overseeing this work. They are John Slee, Carolyn Dickinson, Rev Dave Milner, Rev Helen Hooley, Brec Seaton, Rev Stephen Radford and myself (as chair of the group).

To enable everyone to participate in the planning and designing of the new Cumbria Circuit we have created an implementation plan. This plan breaks down into 12 areas:

  1.   Key Milestones    (John Slee)
  2.   Strategy & Vision    (Helen Hooley)
  3.   Mission        (David Newlove & Nick Baker)
  4.   Ministry        (David Newlove)
  5.   Learning & Caring    (Grace Cauldwell)
  6.   Communication    (Phil Jackson)
  7.   Governance & Legal(James Tebbutt & David Newlove)
  8.   Finance        (Stephen Radford)
  9.   Central Support    (Melanie Greenall)
  10.   Personnel        (Tim Cooke)
  11.   Property        (Dave Milner)
  12.   Other Areas        (John Slee)

Each of these areas corresponds to an aspect of the new Circuit structure.

Here’s an opportunity for you to participate.

Superintendents have kindly taken on to coordinate groups to respond to each of these areas on the plan (named in brackets). I am writing to invite you to consider which of these areas you are drawn to and whether you would be willing to volunteer to be a part of the Implementation Sub-Group looking at that area. All of these groups will complete their task within this Connexional year.

If you would like to assist us in our planning please email me, stating where you live and what area you would like to be aligned to and we will add your name to the list.

A quick response would be helpful.

If you have any questions, please ask.

Many thanks,

Rev David Newlove
Mission Area Lead, Cumbria