In the past, we have
knitted angels to leave around Ulverston town centre - hundreds of angels, with a label
tied to them which has a message from the church. We received a
good response on our facebook page.
For 2024 the Angel Fellowship have set themselves (and the rest of the church) a very ambitious target. We are hoping to have a stall at this year’s Dickensian Festival where we can give out angels to as many people as possible and to have members of our congregation available to talk to anyone who might want to engage in conversation.
The angels have been much appreciated by those who have received them in the past and so we thought this would enable us to reach far more people.
Of course, that means we need far more angels! We are aiming for well over a thousand! We have managed that number in the past and already have over 150 knitted. We are therefore asking for anyone who can knit to have a go. If you are short of wool or needles just ask a member of Angel Fellowship and we can help. The patterns are available here, in the Grapevine newsletter, at church or can be emailed to you.

We meet weekly to share in knitting the angels and for fellowship. To find out more, click to email Gill